“Ah, don’t worry, Oz. I’m not one to judge. I was the girl that dreamed of fucking the beast in the library. And don’t get me started on the seven dwarves. Who doesn’t want seven men catering to her every need?”

“You are literally the perfect woman,” I tell her, making her laugh.

“Perfect for you, sure. What about you, Zig? Do you have any fantasies?”

He swims up behind her and pulls her back against his chest before he reaches up and cups her breasts. “I’ve already got my fantasy right here.”

“Corny and horny, I like it,” she teases before dropping her weight and slipping out of his grip. She swims underwater farther out, beckoning us to follow, which we do. We’d follow her anywhere.

We spend an hour swimming. It’s the perfect end to the day for us, but we have to leave now if we want to be back before dark. Salem seems sad to be leaving. She glances at the water as she slips her clothes back on.

“We’ll come back. And we’ll bring our shower gel and clothes. It has to be easier to wash them here than in those tiny-ass bowls.”

That lightens her mood a little.

I flip her wet braid over her shoulder before taking her hand. “Come on. Let’s head back before the rain decides to start up again.”

Our clothes have mostly dried in the warm sun, so it’s not as bad on the way back.

“I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving. Think we’ll get a fire going before it rains again?”

“We could always make one here. If we wait till we get back, we might miss our chance.”

“I’d rather risk it and get home. We didn’t bring a flashlight with us,” I say.

“Shit, good point. Alright, we’ll wait.”

We stop after an hour to drink and let Salem rest. I can see she’s tired, but she pushes on like a trooper. By the time we make it back to camp, she’s dead on her feet. Zig scoops her up and takes her straight to the plane, motioning for me to follow. He waits for me to jump up into the plane before handing Salem up to me. Once I have her, he climbs up and follows us inside.

“How about you take a nap, little one, while I get dinner started,” Zig suggests as he tugs Salem to him from where I set Salem down.

She closes her eyes and leans against his chest. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

“I think I’ve got it covered. But if not, I can always ask my glamorous assistant.”

When he points to me, I pop a hip and do an exaggerated pose, making her giggle, which is my second favorite sound. My first is her screaming my name as she comes.

“Seriously, get some rest. I’ll come get you when the food is done,” I promise her.

She tips her head back and kisses Zig, who drops his head to accommodate her before she walks over to me. She tugs the front of my T-shirt until I bend, and she presses her lips against mine before murmuring, “You’re both too good to me.”

When she pulls away, I slap her ass, making her squeal.

Zig rolls his eyes at me before heading out to start the fire. As he passes me, he leans in close. “I want you to scout the immediate area. Nothing too far out. But I saw some paw prints when we got back, which is why I brought Salem straight up here.”

“Shit. No worries. Let me just dump this shit and grab some extra ammo, just in case.”

He slaps me on the back and disappears. I get distracted for a moment as Salem shimmies out of her shorts. I lick my lips as she bends over to pull them free, then shake my head when I find myself stepping closer.

I grab what I need while Salem isn’t watching and say my goodbyes, muttering under my breath as I jump out of the plane. Spotting the prints right away, I head toward them and follow them into the trees. They are easy to track, especially with the soil being so wet. Once I’ve gone about half a mile, I decide to turn back. I don’t think he’s lying in wait out here, at least not right now.

I head back in the direction I came and trip on a lump in the soil. I kick it, assuming it’s a rock. When I look down, I’m surprised to see a cell phone. Zig’s missing one, by the looks of it. Despite the crack in the screen, it looks to be intact, but it’s completely dead, which isn’t a surprise given how long we’ve been here. I take it with me anyway, turning it over in my hands. We’ve found a few things scattered around the wreckage of both parts of the plane that must have been thrown when the plane was torn in two. If I could only find a charger and a power source, we’d be good.

When I make it back to camp, the smell of cooking meat makes my stomach rumble and my mouth water. I’ve never been much of a fussy eater, but a man can only live on fruit and berries for so long.

“Smells amazing,” I comment, dropping down and sitting next to Zig.

“I was just thinking that myself. You find anything?”