“Well, some of the local jungle wildlife can be unfriendly.” And I’m not just talking about the creature kind. We don’t know where in the jungle we crashed or if anyone else knows. At this point, I’m not sure who the good guys are or if there are any at all, which means any potential rescue team could just as likely be a team of hostiles looking to kill us and capture Salem.

“Right, of course.” She looks a little freaked out now, which would only get worse if we told her the rest.

“Right now, we just need to figure out a plan of action. I won’t lie. Finding us is a bit like finding a needle in a—”

“Jungle?” She laughs, but it does nothing to hide her fear.

“Exactly. But lucky for you, this isn’t the first time me and Zig have traipsed through a jungle. We’ve made it out before, and we’ll make it out again.”

She nods, though I doubt she feels very reassured. She shouldn’t be either, not that I’d tell her that. Getting out of here alive without a rescue team? Yeah, I don’t like our chances.

“Let’s see what supplies we have first. Salem, you check the cabin and overhead compartments. Oz and I will scout the area.”

She looks like she’s about to panic, so I reach out and touch her arm. “We won’t be going far, and we’ll be back soon. I know it’s hard, but you’ve gotta trust us, okay?”

She blows out a breath and nods. “Okay.”

She climbs to her feet before turning to face us. She looks so lost that after a brief moment of hesitation, Zig stands up and pulls her into his arms. She freezes for a minute before her arms come up and wrap around his waist. He murmurs something to her that I don’t catch. Seeing them wrapped around each other like that almost makes me feel like I’m intruding.

Zig doesn’t do soft, so watching him with her is a shock to the system. I know he’s attracted to her. We both are. That, at least, isn’t surprising. We’ve always been attracted to the same types of women. We used to act like dicks in high school. Trying to one-up each other to get the girl, betting each other over the outcome, and even going as far as to switch places a time or two so we could both enjoy the same girl without her knowing. Like I said, we were dicks. Okay, we still are. But as we grew up, we figured out rather quickly that if we wanted something more than a few fucks, we were better off pursuing the same girl as a team rather than trying to steal each other’s girl.

Some women were into it. Some weren’t, and that was okay too. It took a special kind of person to put up with both of us. I had no idea how things would play out with Salem. Truth be told, this is the wrong time and place. And knowing what we do, the wrong girl. She’d do nothing but fuck up our lives. Yet, as Zig pulls back, I stand and walk over to her, holding my arms open, giving her a choice.

When she steps into my embrace and presses her face against my chest, I realize that none of it matters. There is something about this girl that makes her different from the rest, and it has nothing to do with her ability to heal. I look at Zig over her head and see him watching me with her, a look of contentment on his face. He wants her, and he’s not hiding it from me.

So, it might not be the right time or the right place, but the truth is, we’re living on borrowed time. The chances of making it out of here are slim to none, and there will be no right time or place. There is only here, only now.

I pull back and look down at her. She tips her head back and looks up at me, her pretty eyes glassy with unshed tears.

“Just be careful, okay? I can heal you, but I can’t bring you back from the dead. And I can’t do this without you guys.” She sniffs.

I slide my thumb under her eye and catch the fallen tear before sucking it into my mouth. “Nothing is going to happen to us. We won’t leave you here alone.”

She takes a deep breath before pulling back and nodding. She wipes her hands down her T-shirt before looking out of the window. “You should go before it gets dark.”

“We won’t be long. I’m going to check out the fuselage first. Make sure it’s safe, but that doesn’t mean you won’t need to be careful. There is plenty of damage in here that could hurt you if you’re not careful.”

“I’ll watch what I’m doing.”

“Good. We’ll be back,” Zig adds as he walks toward the far end of the plane, where the tail has been torn off.

He looks down, and before I can say anything, he jumps. Salem screams as I curse and hurry after him. I peer over the edge and realize there is a small hill with a fallen tree lying across it at an angle—like a ramp. Zig’s jump had been minimal.

“You asshole,” I snap at him when he looks up.

Salem stands beside me and glares down at Zig. “You…you…asshat. You see if I mend a broken leg if you pull that shit again.”

She crosses her arms with a huff, looking like a pissed-off fairy.

“Sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he calls up with a smug look on his face. He likes that she worries about him.

“This is not my scared face. This is my angry face. Grrr.” She growls, making me fight back a laugh.

Unfortunately, she catches me, her scowl deepening. I move toward the edge, and her eyes widen before I tip my imaginary hat to her and jump out. She curses up a storm, making me finally give in to my laughter.

“She has spunk and sass underneath that layer of fear and wariness,” Zig states when I get to him.

“Good. She’ll need it.”