
“Ah. She finally called it quits with those dicks and decided to come home, huh?”


He sighs, sounding put out. “I don’t know where we went wrong with her. I really don’t.”

“I’m surprised she didn’t leave us sooner or, you know, kill you in your sleep.”

“She tried a few times, remember? But I have the reflexes of a cat.”

“And the lives of one too.” Greg laughs before his cell bleeps. Two seconds later, mine does too. I don’t look at it, recognizing the tone—it's command central.

I look at Oz, who huffs. “It’s upstairs. I forgot to charge it again.”

“But I bet you remembered to strap on a gun and at least two tactical knives.”

“Of course I did. You never know when you’ll need them. And I have three knives, actually.”

I shake my head and walk inside. You never know when you might need a cell phone, either. I mean, most people would check for their phone and keys, but not Oz. He’ll check for weapons and ammo.

I hear Greg and Oz follow me through the house. When I get to the basement door, I type in the code and wait for the beep signaling that it’s unlocked. I shove it open and walk down the stairs, finding Cooper—Greg’s team mate—already sitting at the huge round table with Wilder and Crew beside him. Evander, our tech guy, looks up from his tablet when we enter before his eyes drop back down to the screen.

“Hey. Got a case?” I ask, taking my seat.

“Looks like it. I’m just waiting for the others to get here,” Cooper says, looking at his watch.

“Are Creed and Hawk back yet?”

“No. Their flight isn’t due until tonight, and Moscow has been hit with a heavy snowstorm, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were delayed.”

Greg and Oz take their seats as more footsteps sound on the stairs. I look up and nod at Jagger and Slade before taking my own seat at the table.

“Alright, everyone’s here.” Cooper stands up and, as usual, takes point.

“At oh-six-hundred, a job came through with a top-level security clearance.”

“Don’t mean shit to us. The government can suck my dick,” Jagger grunts.

“I pretty much said the same.”

“So if you told them to go fuck themselves, why are we here?” I ask, leaning forward as Evander taps something on his tablet.

“Because instead of backing off, they offered me lube.”

“Huh?” Oz says, looking confused.

“They eased you in, meaning they made an exception to the clearance level. Why?”

“Well, that’s what I wanted to know too. We all know they won’t do anything for nothing. So, I took what info they had and told them I’d look over it and get back to them, but that we are very busy.”

“Alright, I’ll bite. What did you find that had me dragging my ass out of bed when I was dreaming about Jagger’s mama?” Crew drawls.

Jagger picks up the pen from in front of him and launches it at Crew’s head. Naturally, Crew catches it before it hits him, pocketing the pen for later.

“If you don’t mind, children?” Cooper sighs, turning to face the large screen behind him as it flickers to life.

A picture of a woman stares back at us. Not just any woman, but possibly the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. It’s a headshot, so I have no idea what she looks like below her shoulders, but what I can see has my dick waking up and waving hello.