Page 79 of Sugar

“A marriage certificate between Sophia Michelakis and Calix Cirillo.”

It’s fake, but they don’t need to know that. I mean, the marriage is real, and that’s all that matters.

“So that makes me a Cirillo of Michelakis descent, and that trumps Calix’s claim, no?”

“You still need a vote. At least one ruling family has to accept you as the new boss, and I can guarantee you that no one here will side with you.” A smug voice laughs.

“I’ll side with you.”

I smile at Calisa as she stands from the back pew.

“Sit down!” a man in the front row shouts at her, spittle hanging from his mouth.

“No. I don’t think I will.” She walks down the aisle toward me before reaching out to clasp my hands with hers.

“Sorry for your loss,” I tell her with a wink as we look down at her husband with a shoe sticking out of his eye.

“I’m heartbroken, truly.” She grins.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here, Calisa?” The man who yelled at her before grabs her arm. Before I can raise my gun, a Chaos Demon is there, yanking him away.

“Thank you, Knight.”

“She is not head of the house. She can’t make those decisions,” the man yells before Knight shoves him to the floor.

“Actually, she can. See, her husband was head of the family, but now that he’s dead, his son becomes heir. Since he is only a boy, his legal guardian becomes temporary head of the house.”

“What? No!”

“’fraid so. I wonder how many other wives have had that tidbit of information hidden from them?”

“I’ll be sure to get the word out,” Calisa offers before she turns to the man being restrained by Knight. “Lovely seeing you again, John.”

“You may have manipulated the weaker link, but you have no power over how we run the families. You cannot take us all on.” Felipe blusters.

“I could, but I won’t. Because, just like with Calisa, I believe there is good in these families worth saving. You know, once I’ve gotten rid of the garbage.”

The sound of a gun cocking and aiming my way has me grinning as every man at my back pulls their own weapons.

“Calisa, time to leave.”

She doesn’t argue. She just turns and heads through the crowd of bikers.

“What happened to no bloodshed on holy ground?” I ask with my arms wide.

“You started it,” George yells. “A curse will befall us all unless we make it right. A sacrifice must be made to the Holy Trinity.”

“I accept.”

He looks confused as I point to the marriage certificate he dropped on the floor—or Calix’s name on the certificate—before I say, “In the name of the Father”—I cup my belly—“the Son—” A shocked gasp sounds from beside me as I laugh. “And I guess as the returning ghost, that makes me the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your sacrifice. Now!” I yell as the men at my back take out the heads of each house. Each one is dead before they know what is happening.

“Your sacrifices will not be made in vain.” I look at the remaining family members and their stunned guards.

“Congratulations! You are now the heads of your families. But understand this: my word is fucking law. Cross me, and what happened today will look like a day at Disneyland.”

I turn to walk away but spin back around. “Oh, and one more thing.” I pull my gun back out of my pocket and fire a round into John’s head who drops to the floor at Knight’s feet. “Send anyone to touch me or my family, and I’ll remove every single person from this earth that has a speck of your blood in their veins. There will be nowhere you can hide from me.”

With that, I stroll through the blood on bare feet, through the smiling faces of the men who came to protect me, and out through the doors. I walk as far as I can from the cathedral barefoot before I drop to my knees and suck in as deep a breath as I can before blowing it out.