Page 6 of Sugar

The guard looks shocked, but he nods all the same.

“Shoot, I need another.”

“I can grab another guard if you like. One that’s on their lunch,” he offers.

“Would you? Oh, that would be fantastic. Thank you.”

He smiles and scurries away. I turn to Calix and chuckle when I see the guard didn’t restrain him. The governor notices, too, because he takes a step back and behind me.

“Pussy,” Calix growls.

“Think you can refrain from choking me long enough to get married?” I ask, drawing his attention away from the governor.

“I’m not one for making idle promises. Introduce us.” He nods to the governor, but I don’t miss the shrewd look in his eye. He knows exactly who he is.

“Calix, this is Governor Sarris, and he was recently ordained. Convenient, right?”

“Yes, very,” he deadpans.

“He has agreed to officiate our wedding. Isn’t that wonderful, pooky bear?”

If looks could kill, I’d be dead.

“Wonderful,” he eventually says, his voice full of contempt.

We wait in silence for the guard to reappear with the governor’s brother-in-law in tow. I have to bite my lip at the irony.

“Mikal?” The new guard looks from me to Erik before going back to his brother-in-law.

“I’m here in an official capacity. And I wanted to thank the man who helped save you. What better way to say thank you than to preside over his wedding?”

“Right?” the guard says, clearly confused, but he rolls with it.

“If you’ll stand back,” Mikal points to the guards, who move to stand near the door.

“Miss Parks, if you wouldn’t mind standing beside your groom.”

“Oh, of course.”

I move to stand next to Calix, keeping my eyes on everyone in the room while focusing on my heartbeat so that I don’t have time to wallow over what I’m about to do.

When Mikal starts the long-winded speech about the sanctity of marriage, I tune out, considering the next step in my crazy plan. It isn’t until Calix elbows me that I realize it’s my turn to speak.

“I, Sugar Daniels, take Calix Cirillo to be my lawful wedded husband.” I repeat everything I’m supposed to, minus theobeypart.

“Sugar Daniels, huh? Interesting.”

“I like it.”

He stares at me before a smile stretches across his face.

“I, Calix Cirillo, take Sugar Daniels to be my awful, wedded wife.”

I roll my eyes at his deliberate slip of the tongue.


Isit on my bed in my hotel suite and remove my wig, running my fingers through my hair in relief as it tumbles free from its confines. I look down at the blonde strands of the wig in my hand and sigh before tossing it on the bed and making my way to the bathroom.