“What about him?”
“Well, we can’t call the police. Neither of us wants the attention. And honestly, there are too many people ready to have you locked up again, regardless of your innocence. That means we need to do a little cleanup.”
He grins full out, then. “Alright. I’ll admit, you have my curiosity peaked. You are so much more than I thought.”
“Stick around, and I’ll blow your mind.”
“Of that, I have no doubt.”
He presses closer to me, so close our bodies are flush with each other’s. He tugs a strand of blond hair between his fingers before dipping his head and grazing a kiss against my cheek.
“They say blondes have more fun, but I’m inclined to think you’re going to be a whole lot of fun no matter what color your hair is.”
I laugh before pulling away. “Can’t say I’ve ever been considered the fun one.”
“Maybe you’re just not hanging out with the right people.”
The thought of the people I left behind sobers me up quickly. I step away, shutting down the lightness of the moment as I walk toward the door.
“I won’t be long. Try not to kill him before I get back.”
“Something you should know about me, angel. I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”
* * *
I stareat the two stubborn women in front of me. The other two were more than happy to check out with a full refund a little early.
“I’m telling you; you can’t stay here. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but this motel needs to be shut down, effective immediately.”
“This room has been booked for two months. Where else am I going to stay? I only get to see my kid once a month as it is,” the curvier of the two women states, her arms folded over her chest in defiance.
The tall, lean woman nods her agreement. “I had a last-minute training course come up at work, and this is the only place in my price range that is close to the venue.”
I pull a wad of cash from my back pocket and split it down the middle before handing half to each of the women. “That’s more than enough for a fancy hotel, with enough thrown in for room service too.”
The tall woman nods, shoves the money in her bag, and heads for the door.
“Thank you. I’ll be out within thirty minutes.”
She’s gone before I can reply, but that leaves the other woman standing before me shaking her head.
“Look, I’m not trying to be a bitch, but I have nowhere else to go, and I can’t miss seeing my son. I won’t. His father will drag me straight back to court and have my access completely revoked.”
I tilt my head and study her. “Are you a bad mom? Is that why you don’t have custody of your kid?”
She huffs out a frustrated laugh. “My ex-husband is an asshole. Worse, he’s an asshole with money. If you consider the fact that I married him and had a kid with him, then yeah, I’m a bad mom. But if being a good mom is measured by how much I love my son, then I’m the best mom on the planet. There is nothing I won’t do for him, nowhere I won’t follow, just to be close.”
“What’s your ex’s name?”
“Theodore Calimeris.”
I school my reaction to the familiar name. “I’m assuming the divorce proceedings did not go well if this place is the best you can do.”
I realize that sounds more like a criticism than a statement, but before I can explain myself, she sighs.
“It was a shitshow. I mean, technically, we’re still married, but it’s only a matter of time before it’s all finalized. I signed a prenup because I was marrying my soulmate. Unfortunately, I wasn’t my husband’s soulmate. Neither was the nanny, or the cleaner, or any of the other women he fucked on the side. He’s the reason I’m staying here. Not because I can’t afford better, although that part is also true, but because he booked it so I wouldn’t be too close to the house in case I caused a scene.”
“Would you cause a scene?”