Page 76 of Sugar

He glares down at me before a cold smile stretches over his face. “If you run—”

“You’ll find me, blah blah blah. So you said. Thing is, Rémy, I just don’t care. We’re not in a relationship. I don’t owe you anything. You want to come home with me? Watch me fuck other men while I move on with my life? Have at it.”

When his hand is around my throat, and I find myself pinned in place with the window sill digging into my back that I realize I might have pushed him too far.

“Rémy,” Calix warns him. “She can’t breathe.”

“She can’t run if she’s dead,” he grunts out.

“True, but she’ll also be dead.” Maxim points out the flaw in his plan.

Rémy’s hold on me loosens just enough for me to suck in a breath. “I could break your legs. Can’t run with broken legs.” He’s not joking, though I can’t help but grin at the fucking psycho.

“I’d still drag myself out of here, right after I bite off your dick.”

He releases my throat but presses his body against mine. “Stay. I’m a dick, but I’m your dick.”

I close my eyes, the desire to give in slashing at my heart, but I can’t. “Tell me why? Why should I stay?”

“Because you love us.”

I stand up on tiptoes and press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “It’s because I love you that I have to go.”

He moves to grab me, but the taser I hid on the window sill just behind the drapes is already in my hand and ready to go. I press the prongs to his neck and watch as he drops to the floor. Maxim and Calix look at me in shock before the door behind them opens, and they are shot with tranquilizers that will hopefully keep them unconscious until this whole thing is over.

“Hey, darlin’.”

I smile at the man. Hot, aging bikers might not be my thing, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind. “Hey, King. I was wondering when you were going to get here.”

“He’s going to be pissed when he wakes up.” Aslanov sighs, looking down at Maxim.

“Payback’s a bitch. They drugged me to get me to Russia. They left that out of their story, but mama didn’t raise no fool.”

“You’ll be lucky if you can sit down for a week by the time he’s done with you.”

“If I’m still alive—”

“Don’t even fucking joke about that. Dulce would gut me.”

“Everything’s in place.” I look up at the sound of a new voice and smile at the handsome man I haven’t seen in forever.

“Scope.” I grin.

He rushes over and hugs me. The smells of leather and oil from his cut and the faint smell of Mercy’s perfume are oddly comforting.

“How’s Mercy?”

“Pissed. She knows why you have to do this. She just doesn’t have to like it.”

“Yeah. I know.”

“Time to get this show on the road, darlin’,” King’s soft voice says as he steps up beside me.

“You ready?” Aslanov looks me over.

“Yeah. I’ve been ready. I just needed…” I blow out a breath. I just needed all the pieces on the board to be in the right place.

“I’m ready.”