Page 75 of Sugar

“Want me to show you how I got my nickname?” Calix steps up to Rémy and shoves him, not the least bit intimidated.

“Enough, both of you,” I snap before facing Calix again.

“The families wanted you dead. They might be in power, but that power is dependent on your life. With you out of the way and no heirs, they could burn the country to the ground if they wanted to, and nobody would stop them. I asked Rémy to watch out for you when I couldn’t. He has contacts. They kept their ears to the ground. If it looked like there would be trouble, he stepped in.”

“Stepped in how?”

“How do you think, moron?”

“Rémy,” I snap.

“Well, what the fuck does he think I did? I mean, he knows what I am. Does he think I taught them to knit so they had a positive outlet for their anger?”

“Man, what is your fucking problem?” Calix snarls.

That’s what I would like to know too. I glare at Rémy.

He throws his hands up in the air and growls. “I’m no better than Santos.”

We all stare at him, waiting for more, but when he looks at me, the penny drops.

“Rémy, don’t—”

“Don’t what? Tell them the ways I made you pay me for Calix’s protection because you were too broke to offer me cash?”

I suck in a breath and feel my skin begin to heat.

“The fuck?” Maxim growls.

“Rémy,” I snap sharper this time.

He looks at me, and for a second there is a flicker of remorse in his eye before he masks it. “Don’t tell them how, even when you pulled yourself up out of the shit, I still made you pay me with your body. I turned you into my whore.”

I burst out laughing at that, surprise crossing his features at my reaction. I step up to him and press my finger to his chest, digging my nail into the T-shirt he’s wearing. “Aw, don’t feel guilty, Rémy. I was a whore long before you came along.”

He flinches. Actually flinches.

“You don’t like the truth, huh? I guess you thought you were the only man that wanted to use me. Sorry to break it to you, Rémy, but every man I’ve ever met has used me in one way or another.

“I walked out of that ocean naked. I had no clothes, no money, and no name. What I had was youth, a pretty face, and pussy I could sell to the highest bidder. So yeah, I became a whore, and I feel zero remorse over it. I have money, cars, houses, a business, friends, family—all things I earned because I was really good at sucking dick.”

Now all three of them look pissed, but I’m so fucking done with this. “What’s wrong? You didn’t mind a whore when your fingers were inside me that day in prison.” I grin viciously at Calix before turning to Maxim.

“You sure as hell didn’t mind a whore while you fucked your friend’s wife.”

I grin at Rémy, who looks like he wants to strangle me. “And you, fucking me when I was asleep, so I thought you were him.” I nod to Calix. “Or pinning me to Maxim’s bed while he slept so you could fill me with your cum. Oh, my whorish ways suited you then, huh?

“You’re a bunch of fucking hypocrites. This body has been beaten, raped, shot, stabbed, torn, tasered, and drugged. All by men who had the audacity to look down on me for selling the very thing they’re so willing to defile. So your guilt weighs on you now? Boo fucking hoo. You act like my being a whore is something to be ashamed of. It’s not. Taking control of a body—that everyone thought they owned but me—was the best thing I ever did. I don’t expect you to get it, but I sure as shit don’t have to listen to you talk about it like it’s some shameful secret.”

Nobody says anything to that, but the tension is so thick I feel it pressing down on me. I need to get out of here.

“Look, it’s been fun.” I huff out a dry laugh. “Yeah, no, it hasn’t really been fun at all. It’s been an adventure, though. I’ll give you all that. I’m leaving. Once this is all over, I’m flying home.”

Rémy moves toward me, but I step back toward the window and hold up my hands to stop him. “Jesus fuck, what do you want from me? Oh, I see. You need another payment for services rendered? Is that it? Well damn, why didn’t you say so?” I start to take my top off, but he stops me, wrapping me tightly in his embrace, my own arms pinned to my sides so I can’t move, despite my struggles.

“You’re not going anywhere without me,” he warns me in that voice he uses right before he kills something.

“Sure, whatever you say, Rémy.”