“Challenge accepted,” Emile proclaimed, and Kate watched in delight as he rolled up his shirtsleeves, revealing more of his thick forearms, and went over to take his turn.

It was pathetic, really, how attractive she found it as he grasped the hammer and brought it down on the pad, sending the counter soaring until it rang the bell. She found herself jumping up and down, clapping her hands in delight at his success. Kate thought of herself as a sophisticated woman, but Emile had been right — that simple show of strength had been enough to have her practically swooning.

Or maybe, she thought, as Emile returned to her, his grin wide, clutching a pink teddy bear as his prize, it wasn’t the show of strength. It was Emile. She wouldn’t have felt a thing for Johnny Sanchez if he’d managed it, would she? But something about Emile doing the same was making her stomach do backflips.

Her heart did the same when he handed her the teddy bear.

“I think this is the part where you swoon,” he joked as she took the bear.

“You should be so lucky,” Kate quipped back, trying to hide the giddy feeling that the simple gesture had provoked in her.

“I would count myself very lucky, Kate, believe me.” His eyes were suddenly serious, and Kate’s breath caught in her throat. She didn’t know what to say, and was grateful when he steered her towards the next stall. “Perhaps another attraction will get me there.”

They continued on through the crowds, and Kate realized that she was genuinely, overwhelmingly happy in that moment. There was country music playing from the stage, and the air was filled with laughter and conversation. She wanted to pause and take it all in. The Street Fair was always her favorite weekend of the year, but somehow seeing it all through Emile’s enthusiastic eyes was giving her a whole new perspective. Not just that, but having him by her side was just making the whole thing more fun.

Kate was used to doing things on her own. Running the cafe. Living alone. She had friends, of course, but she’d forgotten what it felt like to have someone by her side who was just there for her. Even as Emile took in everything the Street Fair had to offer, she could feel his focus on her, and it felt good. She didn’t know what it meant, but she pushed the thought aside along with all of her other worries. For now, she was living in the moment and that would be enough.



Emile was practically buzzing as they walked around the Street Fair. He’d only ever had this feeling before when he’d been at parties or nights out. But right now? He hadn’t even had so much as a beer and he felt high on life.

The people of Charcieux could be very cutting about American food, but right now he felt more satisfied than he ever had after some stuffy twelve-course dinner at the palace, the sugar and salt mixing together as it coursed through his veins. Or maybe it had nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fact that he was spending time with Kate, outside of the cafe and the apartment, and she looked genuinely relaxed for the first time since he’d known her.

He was used to seeing Kate at work, with her hair up in a ponytail and her apron almost surgically attached to her. She looked younger now, wearing a blue-and-white-striped summer dress and her hair down. Sometimes, when she smiled at him, it genuinely took his breath away and he had to reengage his brain before he could respond. She was still clutching the pink teddy bear that he’d won for her on the High Striker, and he couldn’t help the little swell of pride at the sight. He knew it was silly, but however much she protested, he’d seen the genuine joy in her eyes as he’d made the bell ring.

The sun was starting to go down now, and they were getting to the end of the street. There wasn’t all that much of Miller Springs, so even when it was packed with stalls and attractions, it didn’t take all that long to get from one end to the other. There was still one thing he wanted to do before the end of the evening, however. Well, one thing that he wanted to do that he was actually allowed to do. The rest would have to remain fantasy for now.

“We have to go on the Big Wheel!” He grabbed Kate’s hand unthinkingly, and was pleased when she didn’t pull away as he guided her over to the line.

“Must we?” Kate pulled a face.

“Not scared, are you?”

“I don’t love heights… I’m small, I’m not used to seeing things from up high,” Kate tried to joke but Emile could tell she was a little shaky at the prospect.

“I will look after you, I promise. I am very used to being high up.”

Her hand was still in his so he gave it a squeeze, gratified when she squeezed back.

“Okay, if you insist,” she said. “But if I keep my eyes closed the whole time, you can’t judge me.”

“I would never judge you. Although I have a feeling the view is going to be pretty good from up there.”

“I like the view from down here…” Kate grumbled, but she followed him into the seat and let herself be secured into the ride regardless. They were sat side by side on a bench, a metal bar across their laps.

The ride went more slowly than Emile had anticipated, the seat swinging gently in the breeze as they made their way up to the top of the wheel. Emile could see Kate’s knuckles turning white where she was gripping the bar.

“You okay?” he asked, regretting forcing her to come on with him, although he was touched she would do so despite her obvious fear of heights.

“I think so. It’s just a little unnerving. All the swaying, you know?”

“You know, you can see the whole town from up here. It’s pretty cool.” He covered one of her hands with his, gently stroking her knuckles with the pads of his fingers until he could feel her relax a little under his touch.

He watched as Kate gingerly opened one eye and then the other until they were both staring out over the fair and the town below.

“The cafe looks really small,” Kate all but whispered. She was right, it did.