Charlotte was the mom of the group; she made a mean apple pie, and despite her wholesome appearance, loved a gruesome crime novel.

“This is Emily.”

Emily was the oldest member, a grandmother of five who played roller derby at the weekends and favored a steamy romance novel.

“And this is Pandora.”

Pandora was in her early thirties, and owned her own clothing store in Miller Springs. She always dressed in bright colors, and had a particular skill for making very strong martinis.

“Pleasure to meet you.” Emile shook each of their hands like he was a visiting dignitary. “Are you enjoying the fair?”

“Even more so now,” Charlotte trilled, giggling. “Kate’s told us all about you.”

“All bad things I hope,” Emile quipped, turning to smile at Kate, who could feel herself blushing. She knew it was too much to hope that her comments the other night would have been kept within the group. What happened at book club should stay at book club, dammit!

“Oh, positively scandalous, I assure you,” Pandora answered.

“Is that so?” Emile was enjoying this too much. Kate was mortified.

“Yes, you’ve made quite the impression on our Kate,” Emily added.

“Well, the feeling is mutual. She’s been very kind.”

Kate felt Emile’s hand rest on her back as he talked up how well she’d helped him when he first came to town, and when he pulled it away, it was as if she could still feel the imprint burning on her skin. She caught Laura’s eye, and her friend winked.

“Have you tried funnel cake?” Kate heard Emile say, and she couldn’t help but smile at his boyish enthusiasm for the fried treat.

“Who hasn’t tried funnel cake?” Laura laughed.

“Well, it’s actually my first time. I’m new to all of this. America. Street Fairs. Funnel cake. It’s a voyage of discovery for me.”

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who’s not tried funnel cake.” Pandora looked genuinely shocked, as though Emile was an alien.

“Not everyone lives in Miller Springs, you know.”

“Well, you’re here now, Emile.” Charlotte smiled kindly, before flashing a grin at Kate. “And I know Kate, for one, is very glad that you are.”

Emile leveled her with a look. A look that she couldn’t quite decipher. Or one which she didn’t want to decipher, because it would mean more complications, and Kate couldn’t handle more complications right now.

They parted ways with the book club, who were on a mission to find frozen cocktails, and carried on weaving their way through the various stalls and attractions. Emile insisted that they try every different dish that they came across, and proclaimed each one his favorite. They shared fried chicken, waffle fries, a pickle dog, a slushie and a bucket of popcorn before Kate called it quits. Emile seemed to be bottomless, however, and was happily eating an ice cream as they perused the petting zoo, cooing over the miniature goats and tiny pot-bellied pigs.

Kate tried to focus on the animals, and not on the way Emile’s tongue was slowly devouring the cone of ice cream in his hand… She’d think he was doing it just to torture her, a fact only confirmed when he winked at her when he caught her looking. To distract herself — and him — she steered him over to the High Striker, where a group of guys from the local auto shop were trying their luck.

“What’s this?” Emile asked, polishing off the last of his ice cream cone.

“It’s like a test of strength. You have to hit it as hard as you can with the hammer, and if you ring the bell, you get a prize.”

The two of them stopped and watched as Johnny Sanchez gave it a go, flexing his muscles before failing to ring the bell, much to his clear annoyance and the amusement of his friends.

“Ah, I see. So, guys give it a go in order to impress women, right?” Emile was giving her that look again.

“If you think women are so easily impressed, I’ve got some bad news for you.”

“You’re telling me that if I ring the bell, you won’t swoon even a little bit?”

Of course she would. The man only had to breathe in her general direction and she was swooning, but she couldn’t exactly admit that, could she?

“Why don’t you try it and see?” Kate couldn’t resist teasing him.