
“Well, I just asked around and there’s enough guys who are roughly your size around who don’t mind lending you some bits for now. Not as fancy as you’re used to, but I’m sure you’ll make it work.”

“They’d do that for me?” He looked genuinely confused.

“Of course. You’re one of us now, honey. I told you that you’d find Miller Springs to be a friendly place.”

“That’s… wow.” Emile didn’t seem to know what to do with that information.

“You’d do it for someone else, right? Next time someone else needs a favor, we’ll step up. That’s how it works around here. Keeps the world turning.”

Emile nodded solemnly. “I appreciate it.”

“Well, wait to see what you end up wearing before you get too appreciative. I’ll head out in the morning and pick some bits up, if you’re okay until then?”

“I sleep naked anyway, don’t worry.”

That salacious look again. Kate felt as though she was getting whiplash, going from trying to be professional to trying to be supportive to trying to resist all of the temptation that this man was putting in her path.

Her head was still reeling from the evening when she lay down

Laura: So you just came home and he was buck naked, huh?

Kate: Pretty much!

Laura: We should all be so lucky.

Kate: I didn’t look…

Kate: … much.

Laura: Atta girl. I spotted that ‘we’ in your message.

Kate: It didn’t mean anything.

Laura: Sure, sure.

Kate: I’m serious! He’s gorgeous but we’re keeping things strictly professional. Nothing is going on.

Laura: I think you might be protesting too much…

Kate: I don’t think I can win this conversation.

Laura: So, you’re telling me that he’s naked on the other side of the door and you’re just going to bed on your own? Girl…

Kate swallowed as she read that message. That’s exactly what the situation was, wasn’t it? Emile was just… naked over there in his own bedroom. He would be until she fetched him some clothes tomorrow morning. Not that nudity itself was an invitation but… combined with some of the comments he’d made and the memory of that kiss… It was enough to have her hot all over, despite the cool breeze blowing in from her bedroom window. But that didn’t matter, did it? They’d made an agreement for a reason and she had to stick with it.

Kate: Yes. That is what I’m telling you.

Laura: You’ve got more willpower than me.

Kate: Willpower not needed. We’re just friends. Coworkers. Roommates.

Kate wasn’t even convincing herself at this point, so she was sure she wasn’t convincing Laura.

Laura: Oh, you’re in danger, girl…