He had a hint of an accent, an intriguing mixture of American and European. Amy couldn’t place it.

She decided not to tell him her name. Better to keep a hint of mystery in the proceedings.

“Nice bar,” she said instead.

He nodded. “I’ll buy your next round, if you’d like.”

“That would be really nice.” How long since she had let a man buy her a drink? How long since one had offered? It felt like it must have been years.

He summoned the bartender and ordered another round of each of their drinks. Amy laughed.

“I’m not finished with this one yet,” she said.

“Well, better not to have to wait, when you’re ready for the next one,” he replied. “What brings you to Denver?”

“I live in the suburbs,” she said. “My house is going through some repairs.”

“Sounds like the perfect excuse for a getaway.”

“Yeah, I thought so. Even though I don’t live that far from the city, it’s nice to take a little mini-vacation.”

The man sipped his drink thoughtfully and said nothing.

Amy felt a kind of nervous excitement that she hadn’t experienced in years. She glanced in the mirror behind the bar. She was looking good, she decided—her long, dark hair pinned up at the crown of her head to expose her neck and her makeup just dramatic enough to be noticeable without being ostentatious. She was dressed unassumingly, in fitted jeans and one of her favorite sweaters, and she sort of wished she’d taken the time to put on a cocktail dress.

It didn’t seem to be bothering the man at the bar, though. He was definitely looking at her like he thought she was something to see. She found herself posing a little bit for him—arching her back and angling her neck, holding herself in a way she’d learned men appreciated.

And sure enough, he didn’t seem to want to look away.

“How about you?” she asked. “What brings you to Denver?”


Amy laughed.

“Is that funny?” He was smiling, and she knew she hadn’t offended him.

“Not exactly,” she said. “I just had you pegged as a businessman.”

“Not that exciting, I guess.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m guessing there’s a lot of pressure involved, right? High stakes, late hours.”

He nodded. “There’s definitely a lot of pressure in my life.”

“I’m glad you’re able to take an evening to relax, then,” she said.

“And maybe meet some good company while I do.” He looked her up and down. “Do you have plans tonight?”

“No plans, no.” She was oddly thrilled. She had no idea where this was going. But it was definitely goingsomewhere, and how long had it been since she had been involved in anything with a man that went anywhere? The only men she saw most days were patients and fellow doctors at the hospital, none of whom she would have considered prospects for a date.

Not that this was going to be a date either. This was something else, something altogether more exciting.

He swirled his cocktail around in his glass, never taking his eyes off her. “You’re staying here?” he asked.

“That’s right.”

“Would you like to come up to my room? I’ve got a bottle of champagne that I’ve been saving for a special occasion.”