She shook her head. “I don’t think there’s time,” she said. “I don’t think I’m going to make it that long, unless the hospital is about two minutes away from here.”

It wasn’t. It was more like twenty. “What do we do?” he asked, feeling utterly helpless.

“I can handle this,” she said. “I’ve—I’ve delivered babies before—”

Her words trailed off into another cry of pain. Adriano wrapped his fingers through hers and she squeezed his hand hard until the contraction had passed.

“Amy,” he said. “You might have delivered babies before, but not yourownbabies. You can’t do that.”

“You can do it,” she said. “You’re going to have to do it, Adriano.”

He was afraid. He had no idea what he was doing. But he also knew that she was right. He was the only option, unless you counted Luca.

“Luca!” he yelled.

The driver hurried over. “Tell me what to do.”

“Take the car to the hospital,” he said. “Get a medical team. Bring them back here—make sure they know what’s going on. Make sure they bring an ambulance.”

“I don’t need an ambulance,” Amy protested through gritted teeth.

“No arguing,” Adriano said. “Go, Luca.”

Luca took off.

“Why didn’t you come today?” Amy said. “I waited for you…”

“I owe you an apology for that,” he said. “Actually, I owe you a whole world of apologies for a whole lot of things. But we’ll talk about all that later, okay? I don’t know if you’re going to want to forgive me or not, and I’m going to have to respect your decision, but for now, let’s get these babies out. Tell me what I need to do.”

Amy nodded. “Can you take off your shirt? You need something sort of clean, at least—” Another contraction cut her off.

Adriano started to move toward her head, but she waved him back down. When the pain had passed, she managed, “You need to be ready. I think this is going to happen fast.”

He nodded and knelt at her feet.

“Shirt,” she reminded him.

“Right.” He pulled it over his head. “What—what do I do?”

“You can use it to catch them, and then you can pass them to me.”

“Okay.” He steeled himself. Amy needed him to be strong, and that was something he could do for her. “We’ve got this.”

“I need to start pushing—”

Oh, he wished there was another doctor here. He trusted Amy’s medical expertise, but she also couldn’t be objective about her own needs right now. He’d have given all the money in his bank accounts to have someone by his side who knew what they were doing, who could make sure that Amy and the babies were both all right.

But there was no one else. There was only Adriano, and he knew that he was just going to have to manage this by himself.

Amy screamed as she bore down. He could do nothing but kneel between her legs and encourage her. He held his shirt ready, as if it were a blanket, waiting—

And then he saw it—his baby, struggling to be born.

“You can help—” Amy gasped. “Help it out. Gently.Gently.”

He nodded, but as he was about to try, the baby slipped free. Adriano barely caught it in time.

“It’s a boy,” he breathed. “Amy—we have a son.”