“Amy?” He hadn’t forgotten, then, that she’d said to call her by her first name. She sort of regretted having done that, but the mistake had been made.

At least she could match his energy. “Hello, Adriano,” she said.

He laughed. “No one calls me that.”

She ignored that. “I’ve decided to take your case on.”

“That’s wonderful.” He had the audacity to sound completely unsurprised. “I’ll be sure to let my pilot know that you’ll be joining us on the plane.”


“Oh, didn’t I mention? I’m flying back to Lake Como tomorrow.”

“Lake Como,Italy?”

“I do live there most of the time, you know.”

“No, I didn’t know that. Why would I know that?”

“I thought everyone knew that.”

Of course he thought that. No point in telling him she had never heard of him until she’d received his first email. He probably wouldn’t even believe her.

“Well, maybe you’ll have to arrange not to go back to go to Lake Como, since the two of us are going to be working together.”

“Oh, no,” he said. “I need to be in Italy right now. So you’ll need to come with me.”

Amy was about to argue, but Megan snatched the phone away again. “Hold, please,” she said, and put the call on mute.

“Can you believe this guy?” Amy demanded.

“You’re going,” Megan said.

“I’m not going to Italy. I have work!”

“Thisiswork. You know the hospital will support this. Everyone knows you’ve been looking for this research for years.” She unmuted the phone. “Mr. Canali?”


“Dr. Daniels was called away abruptly, but she asked me to make the travel arrangements with you.”

Amy could only watch and shake her head in disbelief as Megan made the arrangements, completely taken aback at the way her life had been jerked so suddenly and thoroughly out of her control.

She didn’t know how any of this had happened. But she guessed she was just going to have to get on board.



“Are you Dr. Daniels?”

Amy looked at the young man standing beside the car on the tarmac. He couldn’t have been older than twenty-five. He spoke with a thick Italian accent—much thicker than Adriano’s, which was hardly noticeable, except when he said certain words.

“I’m Dr. Daniels,” she confirmed.

He nodded. “My name is Luca, and I am Mr. Canali’s driver. I’ve been sent to collect you.”

“Where is Mr. Canali?” Amy had spent the last nine hours feeling frustrated and anxious. She had been under the impression that the two of them would be together on the flight to Italy, but when she’d arrived at the airstrip, there had been no one there to greet her but the pilot. He had reassured her that she was expected, so she had overcome her misgivings about getting on the plane and had come to Lake Como, but she was ready to give Adriano a piece of her mind about not being there.