“You didn’t ask me who I was. I didn’t think—“

Amy had heard enough. She stood up, grabbing her purse. “I can’t believe you’d mislead me just to get me into bed.”

“Wait,” he said, half rising from his own chair. “Dr. Daniels—”

But Amy shook her head. “No,” she told him. “We’re done here.”

And she turned and walked out of the coffee shop.



Adriano stared as his best chance at saving his own life walked out the door.

What had he done?

A moment later, the shock wore off. He jumped to his feet and ran after her.

He caught her out on the sidewalk. She was trying to hail a taxi, but when she saw him, she glared at him and started walking away.

“Wait,” he insisted. “Wait, Dr. Daniels. Can we please just talk about this?”

“Now it’sDr. Daniels. That’s not what you were calling me last night. But I guess if you had, it would have been too obvious that you were thinking about who I was. Oh, I can’t believe I was so stupid! I should have known there was something shady about you. The fact that you knew my name without having to be told—how creepy is that?”

“You stayed,” he reminded her. “Even after I knew your name, you didn’t leave. I assumed that meant you didn’t mind.”

“Or I just getstupidwhen I’m turned-on.” Amy groaned. “I should’ve known. The one time I try to do something wild, it turns out like this. I bet most women can hook up with guys they meet in bars and walk away without any drama, but me, I end up with a potential patient!”

“I’m sorry,” Adriano said. “I should have told you.”

“You’re damn right you should have told me! What were you thinking? I don’t understand it. Is this what you do—con women into believing you have an illness to get them to sleep with you?”

He was shocked. “Of course not.”

“Barks-Howard’s is a serious condition, Mr. Canali. It’s nothing to joke about.”

All right, that was enough. Now he was mad.

“I know it’s serious,” he snapped. “Do you think I don’t know that the disease that’s killing me isserious?”

He shoved the folder into her hands.

For a moment, he thought she might drop it on the ground and walk away.

She didn’t. She flicked it open and looked at his chart.

She frowned. “You said you were just diagnosed?”


“Well that’s interesting.”

“What’s interesting?”

“The disease is manifesting in an unusual way. I’m not surprised it was detected this early—you know, most patients with this condition don’t find out about it until they’re at least in their fifties.”

“That really sucks.”