Page 53 of Pyro

“Bubbles, back the fuck down,” Stag says as he enters the kitchen. “You touch her again and Pyro’s goin’ to fuckin’ kill you.”

“What’s so special about this whore? I mean, is she even legal?”

I step forward. God, she really does remind me so much of Zoe. I hated my mother with everything I was, and this bitch is bringing it all back up. I still can’t believe my da stayed with her for as long as he did. I swear, the man should have been given a knighthood for putting up with her manipulative arse for so long.

“Jealous that no one wants your old, haggard, wrinkled arse?”

Her face flashes with anger, and she stumbles toward me in her heels.

“Bitch!” she roars as she reaches for my hair.

Why the hell does she go for my hair? That’s so fucking childish. I step forward once more and roll my shoulders, ready to take this bitch down. I was taught how to fight by the men in my family. My brother Danny is one of the best fighters, and he made sure I was up to scratch.

Quickly, I pull back my arm and let fly with a powerful punch. The sound of my fist connecting with her nose echoes through the room.

The sound of my knuckles smashing into her face is so sweet. She stumbles backward, blood pouring from her nose. I follow her, my hand reaching for her neck. That’s another thing Danny taught me: always go for the neck. It’s hard for them to escape if they can’t breathe.

I want to beat the shit out of her. She reminds me so much of Zoe. The rage I have is so powerful that I just want to rip the flesh from her bones and show her how much I hate her. But this isn’t Zoe. So I can’t go as hard as I would like. Instead, I can make sure that she doesn’t return.

“You were told to leave, bitch. I think it’s time you just do that, don’t you?” I snarl, my entire body shaking with rage. With everything that I have been through, the anger, fear, and pain that I have felt, it’s no wonder the way I’m reacting. It was always going to have to come out, and this bitch picked the wrong day to mess with me. I have no doubt that she’s regretting it now.

“Look what you’ve done to me,” she wheezes as she tries to fight against the hold I have around her throat. “I’m bleeding. You’ve broken my nose. You’re a monster.”

I laugh. God, if she thinks this is bad, she really hasn’t a clue as to what can be done to her.

“Nah. I’m nowhere near as bad as my aunt or cousin. Hell, even my brothers are worse than I am.”

She blinks. “Who are you?” Her face is growing redder by the second.

I squeeze a little tighter around her airway and watch as she struggles even more.

“I’m Chloe Gallagher,” I tell her, proud of who I am and who my family is.

“Gallagher?” she stammers.

“Yes.” I hear the dark rumble of James and sigh. My time is up, and that means I won’t be able to play with the bitch anymore. I turn to face him and see the intensity in his eyes. “She’s Makenna Gallagher’s niece. Of course you waited until none of the brothers were around to go after my woman, Bubbles.” He gives me a proud smirk. “Wanna let her go, baby?”

I shrug. “Not really, but I suppose I could.” I release her neck and unceremoniously drop her to the floor. The bitch grabs a hold of her throat and wheezes deeply. I crouch down so that I’m at the same level as she is, and glare at her. “Come for me again, and this’ll be child’s play. Do you understand?”

She nods, not once looking at me. She’s been humiliated, and by the end of the day, every brother, club girl, and person who visits the clubhouse will know what’s happened here. She’s never going to live it down. That’s if she makes it out of the clubhouse alive. She’s already been banned, and she’s back and pissing everyone off. I know if it were Uncle Butch, he’d have the woman thrown into the River Liffey with her ankles tied to cinder blocks.

I get to my feet and hands slide around my waist. I lean back against James, loving the support he’s giving me. He pulls me against him, and I feel the hardness of his cock behind his pants. Now I’m wondering how much he witnessed.

“Chloe,” Ace says, his gaze on James and me. “I’m sorry. You were meant to be protected while you were here, and you weren’t.”

“What?” Bubbles screams. “Did you see what the whore did to me? Look, I’m bleeding.”

Kinsley glares at her. “You’re lucky that’s all she did to you. The Gallagher’s are vicious on a good day, and you pissed her off. You should count your lucky stars that she’s not at full strength because otherwise you’d be dead.”

“Wait until Auntie Makenna finds out,” I taunt, and Kinsley laughs.

“You wouldn’t?” Bubbles whispers, her face paling to a gray color.

“Time for you to leave,” Pyro growls, making the woman jump.

“I’ve got this,” Ace grunts. “Py, take care of your woman.”

James takes my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen. Both Kinsley and Stag grin as we pass by them, while Ace and Raptor reach for Bubbles.