Page 50 of Pyro

He glares at me. “None.”

The door to Ace’s office opens. “You two,” he growls, pointing at Raptor and me. “You’re with me. Preacher needs us.”

I drop the spanner to the floor and start moving. I don’t even have to ask what’s going on. The dark look on Ace’s face and the mention of Preach… It’s fucking Pepper. That woman is the Devil incarnate. The second she pops out the baby, she’s fucked. She’s going to die, and the day can’t come fast enough.

I climb on my bike and start the engine, waiting for Ace and Raptor to do the same. My anger is climbing. Pepper has been pushing everyone’s buttons. She fucked up with the way she’s reacted since becoming pregnant. Since finding out about Chloe being taken, all my time has been consumed with my woman, and I haven’t taken the time to check in with Preacher and find out what’s happened since we moved the bitch into the outbuilding.

The ride to the clubhouse is a tense one. I’m just bracing myself. Knowing Pepper, she’s done something more fucked up than what she’s already done.

Pulling into the clubhouse, I see Preach pacing back and forth like a caged rabbit. The fucker looks ready to blow.

“What’s happened?” I question as I climb off my bike.

“That fuckin’ cunt,” he snarls. “I swear to fuck, she’s done. Fuckin’ done.”

“What now?” Ace hisses. “Where is she?”

He points toward the back of the clubhouse, to where the outhouse is. “She’s fucked up. I dunno where the hell she got the fuckin’ drugs from, Prez, but I swear to fuck, we’re gonna find out who gave the cunt cocaine and then I’m gonna kill them.”

I can’t argue with that. We sell drugs. We don’t use the drugs we sell. It’s a fucking no-no. But somehow the bitch has gotten her hands on some.

“Raptor, get Kinsley,” Ace growls.

Preach runs his hands through his hair. “May wanna go in and get rid of the prospect first though, Prez. You don’t want Kins walkin’ in on that shit.”

Why the hell am I not surprised that Pepper’s banging a fucking prospect? The woman can’t fuck a brother anymore. None of them will go anywhere near her ass as they all know exactly what she’s like and keep the fuck away from her. Not to mention, the bitch is pregnant with our brother’s baby.

Ace turns on his heel and stalks toward the outhouse. Preach and I are hot on his heels. The closer we get to the tiny house, the more I can hear Pepper’s fake moans of ecstasy.

“Christ,” Ace growls. “Has she always been so fuckin’ loud? I don’t remember her bein’ so fuckin’ vocal.”

“Maybe you weren’t givin’ it to her right,” I quip.

He flips me the finger, then lifts his foot and kicks the door down. The wood splinters with a loud fucking crack, but that doesn’t stop Pepper’s moans and groans echoing through the house.

“Prospect, leave,” Ace growls.

The fucker jumps up from the bed, reaching for his pants that are around his ankles. The look of sheer terror on his face would make anyone laugh.

“Prez,” he stammers. “Shit.” He pulls up his pants and looks around at Ace and me. The color drains from his face when he glances at Preacher.

“Leave,” Ace growls. “Now. You will be dealt with after.”

The prospect scurries out of the house like a rat. Fucking asshole. He’ll be lucky if he’s even a prospect by the end of the day.

“Ace,” Pepper slurs, her dress up around her hips as she lies on the bed. Her eyes are wide and disorientated. The woman is fucking high as a kite. “What’cha doin’ here? You want some of this?”

“Not a fuckin’ chance in Hell, bitch. I’ve got my woman. Why the fuck would anyone want you?”

Tears pool in her eyes, and her face reddens with anger. “You’re a bastard, Ace. A fucking bastard.”

“Want to get some clothes on, bitch?” Kinsley growls as she steps into the house. “Christ, you’re so fucking desperate to be an old lady that you’ll fuck anyone.” The utter disgust on her face mirrors what everyone else thinks.

“Who are you calling desperate?” she says, her words still slurred.

“I’m calling you desperate, whore. Now get the fuck up and put some damn clothes on.” Kinsley’s tone brooks no arguments. It’s filled with anger and venom.

Pepper just lies there, not once making a move to cover herself. Her legs wide open and her gash on full display. Christ, the woman is so fucking high she has no idea what she’s doing.