Page 47 of Pyro

“Yeah. James won’t let me do anything.”

Da laughs. “Good. The more you rest, the more your body will heal. Let him take care of you.”

I know he’s annoyed that he can’t be the one to do so. It’s killing him, and no doubt killing Ma too.

“We’ll find Sean soon, Peanut. Have faith. We’ll see you soon.”

“Okay, Da, talk to you tomorrow. Love you.”

“Love you too, Peanut.”

The call ends and sadness hits me. I’m all about my family. I love them so much. My Ma is one of my best friends and my da is my biggest supporter. Being without them is weird. As much as I love being with James, I want to be home in Ireland.

“You okay, Little Bird?” James asks.

“Yeah,” I sigh. “I just miss home, and being cooped up in this room doesn’t help.”

His lips thin as he narrows his eyes. “You need to rest.”

“Rest, yes, but walking around the clubhouse is resting. Being cramped in this room is driving me insane.”

“You’re still bruised, you’re still sore—”

“I’m fine,” I implore. The pain isn’t as bad as it was, and each day the bruises fade a little and the pain eases.

“You can say you’re fine ‘til you’re blue in the face, Chloe, but you’re still fuckin’ hurtin’. I see it in your eyes. So until the pain is gone, your ass is stayin’ in bed.”

I slam my hands against the bed. “Are you serious?” I hiss. “Fuck’s sake, James, I’m not an invalid. I’m able to walk. I’d like to walk. Being stuck in this room isn’t helping me. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m going to go crazy if all I see are these walls. If the tables were turned, how would you feel?”

He leans over me, his fists planted either side of my body, his face inches from my own. “I’d fuckin’ hate it. My priority is to keep you safe and let you heal.”

I let out a frustrated growl. “God, this is so annoying. You’re not listening to me. I’ve gone from one fucking hell to another.”

He rears his head back and glares at me.

My heart sinks. “I didn’t mean it like that,” I whisper, hating that I didn’t say the right words. “I just meant that I’ve been locked in a room for twelve days, and then in the bed at Hayden’s, and now I’m here, and once again, unable to do anything.”

“What am I supposed to do, hmm? Let you out and potentially set your recovery back?”

“Christ, James, I’m not going to run a marathon. I’m going to leave the room, go to the kitchen, go downstairs and chill. Why are you so adamant about me being cooped up in here?”

“You’re not fuckin’ listenin’,” he snarls. “I could have fuckin’ lost you before I even claimed you. I need you safe. I need you to recover.”

“Whatever.” I try and push against him but it’s like hitting a solid wall. “James—”

He slams his lips against mine, and I gasp in shock. It has been days since he had his implants put in and nothing, and all of a sudden, he’s now kissing me. His tongue explores my mouth, and I can’t help but melt into him. This kiss is like fire, consuming my body and soul, his tongue tangling with mine.

I move closer to him as my hands slide around his neck. Electricity surges between us, and I feel my toes curl and my heart skip a beat. I never expected this, but it’s something I could easily get addicted to. The warmth of his mouth, the tenderness of his lips, the way he pulls me closer… This is without a doubt the most passionate kiss of my life.

I need more. I want him. God, I’ve wanted him since the moment I saw him, and I have never forgotten just how amazing he felt being inside of me. I pull my lips from his and breathe heavily, my chest heaving.

“I need you,” I moan. “Please, James, I need you.”

The sound of his belt buckle unlocking sends a tremor down my spine. I feel a desperate need for James, a craving for his body that I can’t ignore. His rugged scent fills the air, and I feel his gaze like a physical touch, scorching my skin with its intensity.

He pulls my t-shirt up around my hips, and I gasp as he presses me against the bed. His lips crash into mine, and I can only cling to him as his hard length presses against my pussy.

It’s been three weeks since we’ve been together, but the connection between us seems stronger now than ever before.