Page 44 of Pyro

“I won’t be long. You’re safe with the girls,” he promises me. I nod and take Kinsley’s outstretched hand.

“Do you need anything?” Kinsley asks as we start to move toward the staircase.

“I don’t have any clothes,” I tell her.

“No worries. We’ve got plenty, and we don’t mind sharing,” Effiemia says. “Pyro was right. You’re safe here, Chloe. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Thank you,” I whisper, unsure how to react. I don’t trust easily. I trust my girls, Mallory and Jessica, but I’ve never had to trust a woman right away. It takes time to grow that trust.

Zoe taught me some harsh lessons, and I had to learn that not everyone is safe to be around. My biological mother included. The woman only cared about herself. As long as she was happy, that’s all that mattered to her. Growing up with that kind of person put me on edge and made me wary of everyone’s motives. I’m just glad that Kinsley’s here, because I can be easy around her. I can trust her. She’s family.

The girls help me up the stairs and into James’ room.

“Do you want to put a shirt on?” Octavia asks. “I always find wearing Tate’s shirt makes me feel better.”

Andromeda nods. “Same. I always wear Tobias’ shirts. It doesn’t have to be for a reason. I just like sleeping in them. Especially just after he’s taken them off. They smell like him.”

I like that. “I’ll wait for him to come.”

Kinsley smiles. “Tell me how you met Pyro. We had no idea you were even with him.”

I shrug. “It’s weird. I met him one night while I was in New York, and then I left to go to Chicago. But there’s something about him.” I feel my cheeks heating. “I don’t know how to explain it.”

“He’s so gentle with you,” Effiemia tells me. “I love that for you. I love that for him. Pyro is without a doubt one of the best men I know, Chloe. He’ll do everything he can to make you feel safe.” She gives me a smile. “We’ll leave you and Kinsley to talk. If you want me, just yell. I’m next door.”

“Thank you,” I say softly, honestly grateful at how welcoming she and the other girls have been.

Once the girls leave, Kinsley turns to me. “How are you feeling?”

“Numb,” I reply honestly. “I’m tired and sore, but numb.”

She brushes my hair from my eyes. “That’s understandable. How’s things between you and Pyro?”

I sigh. “Honestly, I don’t know. He makes me feel safe, but I’m so confused as to what’s happening between us. Hell, he hasn’t even kissed me.”

She gapes at me. “He hasn’t?”

The door opens, and I glance toward it and see James standing there, watching me with a look I can’t decipher. It’s an intense gaze that’s filled with heat and something else.

“Kins, thanks for helpin’ her. I’ve got it from here.”

She gets to her feet and gives me a reassuring smile. “I’ll see you in the morning,” she says.

James closes the door behind her and prowls toward me. My heart gallops at the intensity in his eyes.

“Talk to me,” he demands as he steps in front of me. “Tell me what you’re thinkin’?”

“I don’t know,” I whisper, feeling exposed right now. “I have no idea what’s going on between us. We had sex once, James. Once. And we’ve not even kissed. Yet I feel as though we’re—” I trail off, not wanting to say it out loud. It feels stupid to tell a man I’ve slept with once that we’re meant to be.

“You wanna know why I’ve not kissed you?” His words are thick and gravelly.

I nod. I need to know why he’s held that part back from me.

“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Little Bird. So fuckin’ pure and sweet. But me? I’m all kinds of fucked up. You deserve someone who’s goin’ to treat you like a princess—”

“You do,” I whisper, hating that he’s so self-deprecating. “I’ve never had anyone treat me the way you do, James. No one ever could.” I know that with every fiber of my being. “You make me believe that I’m the only girl, that I’m all you’ll ever need.” That’s exactly how he makes me feel.

“I got into fights, and I did fucked up things. Lost eight teeth in the process.”