Page 91 of Black Rose

“Of the book!” he exclaims. “There’s some blank pages at the beginning!”

Hastily, I reach for the book and flip the cover closed. Then I open it to the first page, a blank page, and touch the edge of it. Slowly the words seep onto the paper.

Exponentia Pro Somno.

A spell for sleep.

I flip through a few more pages that are already filled, coming across ones for walking through walls and keeping candles lit, stuff that Valtu already knows, as well as opening a portal to another world, the Red World, which I don’t think either of us will touch with a ten-foot pole.

Then I come across a single blank page.

It’s practically calling for me.

Please let it undo his spell, I think.Please bring back the man who loves me.

I touch the paper, pressing my fingers down on it and wishing.

I feel energy seep from my fingers onto the book and then back again.

The letters start to form.

Carmina ut Aliquem.

An incantation to find someone.

“This is it!” Valtu practically shouts. “This is what you’re looking for.”

I let myself feel sad for exactly one second before I push my own personal feelings away and focus on the news. The good news. The spell that not only I wanted, but that my parents and Solon and Lenore wanted as well, is finally right in front us.

“We can find him now,” I whisper. “I’m going to get my brother back.”

“Then we’re going to rip Bellamy’s fucking head right off and piss on it,” Valtu snarls. “Let’s see him still be immortal after that.”



“Bellamy is in Istanbul?” Van Helsing asks over the phone. “Are you sure?”

“They’re both there,” I correct him. “Him and apparently Leif. And I can’t be one hundred percent sure until I actually see them, but yes, that’s what the magic has revealed to us so far. We’re still getting a hang of how the spell works.”

“So now what?” he asks.

“Now you better get a hold of Solon and Lenore and whoever else you can think of and get them over here. Despite all the magic, we’re going to need reinforcements. We can’t do this alone.”

“Wolf and Amethyst will want to be a part of this,” he says. “And what do you mean here? You want us to meet you in Mittenwald?”

“No, in Turkey,” I tell him. “I’m already here.”


“Just get a hold of them. I’ll call you back when we have a plan going.”

“Valtu, wait—”

But I hang up on him and slip my phone into the locker, locking it using my mind before I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist.

I step out of the change room and into the ancient Roman cistern that the hotel has turned into a spa. Huge arches of stone converge in the middle above the pale blue waters churned by jets and in the middle of it is Rose, looking around her curiously. We’re the only ones in here.