Page 54 of Black Rose

The hairs on the back of my neck raise and I instantly see the baby too, the one that’s been haunting me. How could she have seen it too?

“Are you sure it’s from your past? Did you recognize it?” I ask carefully.

She gives a small shake of her head. “No. I didn’t recognize it. But I think it thought I was its mother.” She closes her eyes and to my surprise a tear rolls down. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, keeping her eyes closed while she hurriedly wipes the tear away with the heel of her palm. “This is hard to talk about.”

I swear I hear the way she wanted to end the sentence:

This is hard to talk aboutwith you.

I have this sudden urge to put my arms around her and hold her close to me.

It makes me take one step back.

“This place,” I say to her, my voice low, “it has a way of playing tricks on you. There are things that come alive here, fears that manifest.” I pause, wondering how much I should say. “Maybe it’s not so much this place, but me. They haunt me. And they’ll haunt you too for as long as you’re here.”

There’s no point in telling her that I’ve seen a baby too.

“So the baby…wasn’t yours?” I go on. “Have you ever been pregnant?”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment, but I swear I see her flinch. She opens her eyes and meets my gaze head on. “I’m only twenty-one.”

Fuck me.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

Twenty-one? I knew she was young, but I didn’t know she wasthisyoung.

“I just turned a couple of days ago,” she admits.

“You what?” I let her go and run my hand over my face in disbelief. Van Helsing brought me a barely legal vampire. Hell, barely a vampire. “You’ve only been a vampire for a few days?”

She swallows and nods. “Yeah. Is that a problem?”

“A problem?” My dick doesn’t seem to think so. It’s harder than ever and it’s taking a lot of effort to ignore it. I’ve never had someone so young before. “There’s a bit of an age gap here.”

The corner of her mouth lifts. “You’re worried about an age gap? There are no age gaps with vampires.”

“Considering I was born in the sixteen hundreds and you were born twenty-one years ago, yeah, I think that could be considered an age gap.”

The fear seems to leave her eyes as she gazes at me. Something hot and carnal makes her pupils expand into black pools. “Are you having second thoughts about fucking me?”

Sweet Jesus. My dick practically screams for attention.

“I didn’t think age gaps counted for much if it was just sex,” she adds.

I swallow hard. Alright. Well, all that need for sleep has suddenly gone out the window, along with any resolve I was attempting to hold onto.

I lunge for her, wrapping her hair around my fingers like a silken fist, and I yank her head back so that her throat is exposed. I feel my fangs sharpen and I know she’s a vampire and her blood won’t give me what I’m looking for, but I want to bite and taste her all the same.

I place my lips at her throat, tasting the sweet sugar of her skin mixed with the sweat from her fear. She tastes so fucking new, the urge to come is threatening to undo me.

“Do it,” she hisses, her throat moving against my mouth as she speaks. “Bite me.”

I don’t take orders well, but I obey her anyway.

My fangs sink into her skin, a snap of breaking flesh before her blood flows into my mouth, warm and intoxicating, sliding down my throat. She tastes almost human and it might be because she’s so fresh and new, her humanity hasn’t slipped away quite yet.

Thank you, Doctor, for finding this one, I can’t help but think as I drink from her, pulling on her hair even more so that I can drink freely. With my other hands I slide over her sweater, still damp from where the demon spilled her blood, then between her legs. A quick jerk of my wrist and her panties tear apart, giving me full access to her cunt.