Page 50 of Black Rose

Oh fuck. Oh no. Oh god no.

“No!” I cry out, trying to squirm, trying to move my body, but I can’t. I pull and yank at the cuffs but they only cut into my skin and I’m trapped. I’m utterly trapped.

“Help!” I scream. “Help! Abe! Valtu! Help me!”

But my scream feels weak and flat, like it’s contained in these walls.

And the baby keeps coming. Snapping its bloody fanged mouth, its eye nearly hanging out of its crushed skull, bits of brain matter leaking from its nose. It moves like a wet mop, these sloppy shuffles forward, all blood and other things I don’t want to think about.

“Mother,” the baby says, its voice positively deep and inhuman.

It reaches for me, heading right for my womb, its little hands grabbing my skin as it tries to force its way back inside me, and I’m unable to close my legs to stop it.

I scream and scream and scream. My body bucks and jerks, hips lifting off the bed, trying to stop it from coming inside but its little nails are digging into me as it reaches in deeper, grabbing a hold of my cervix.

I scream again until my throat is raw and the sound vanishes and I can feel the little monster pulling itself inside of me, feel its teeth biting at my insides until I’m bleeding profusely on the bed.

I’m going to die here. It’s going to eat me from the inside, it’s going to bleed me dry.

I throw my head back, ready to scream again in this never-ending horror when suddenly…

It stops.

The pain stops, the pressure stops, the sounds stop.

It all stops.

I look down and there’s no baby. There’s no blood. There’s nothing there at all.

“Jesus,” I swear breathlessly, beads of cold sweat rolling down my forehead. “What the hell was that?”

I keep looking around the room, thinking I’m going to see the baby appear somewhere, or see a tiny bloody handprint, evidence that it was here, but I’m utterly alone in the room again.

I put my head back down on the pillow and close my eyes, trying to control my heart and my ragged breath. If I were human, I think it’s possible to have had five heart attacks by now.

How could my mind have conjured up something so real? Ifeltthat pain.

And that’s when I hear another sound.

A scraping of something rough against stone.

My eyes fly open and I look up at the ceiling.

I see the scaly black body ofthebad thinglying flat against it, its xenomorph head tilted to the side to stare down at me with one beady red eye.

I suck in my breath, gasping in horror.

This can’t be real either, can it?

But from the way it waits there against the ceiling, silently watching me, I know it is. It’s as real as it was the last time I saw it.

I try my bonds again but the metal remains as cold and unbreakable as before. Valtu must have magic on them to keep me tethered. A panicked vampire should be able to break through nearly anything.

The demon thing continues to study me and I continue to stare up at it in horror, caught in the path of its focused stare.

Then its long leathery tale twitches and it starts to pull itself along the ceiling with its six-inch claws and then down the adjacent wall, a skittling sound in its wake.

I pinch my eyes shut, hoping that when I open them again the demon will be gone just as the baby was.