I’m yours to take, I think.Yours to have. Forever.
He releases my hair and grabs onto my shoulders, pushing me forward as he thrusts himself deep into my mouth. I can feel the muscles of my throat working overtime, accepting him with fervor as he pushes down deeper and deeper. If I was human I’d be choking on him, unable to breathe, but I can keep going for as long as I need to, as long as he wants me to. Another advantage of being a vampire, as I’m finding out.
He’s groaning as he fucks my mouth, and I can feel his thighs trembling as he gets closer and closer to the edge.
I want to bring him there.
I quicken my pace, bobbing my head up and down as I draw him further and further into my depths. His fingers clench into my shoulder and he cries out, a deep bellow that rises from the bottom of his chest, his body tensing in the throes of his orgasm.
I swallow it all down, letting him release himself completely into me, ravenous and starving for him until his cock stops jerking inside me and I’ve worked him dry.
I stare up at him with big eyes, slowly pulling my mouth away from his cock with a wet sound, my lips feeling sore and bruised and yet I’m smiling anyway.
“Fuck,” he says through a deep groan, gazing down at me in a hazy sort of awe. For a moment we’re back in time together, me having just brought him this beautiful peace that I rarely saw in his eyes except when we were together.
That peace is here now, but only for a moment. Within moments the chill returns to his gaze, that hardness, turning him from the Valtu I know to a darker version of himself.
The version that has never known me.
But maybe, maybe if I keep trying, maybe if I play my cards right, he’ll get to know me again.
Maybe I can make him remember.
If he’ll let me stay, that is.
“Get up,” he commands sharply and before I have a chance to get to my feet, he’s grabbing me by the hair again and pulling me up.
I can’t help but whimper, my eyes watering from the sudden pain. My Valtu liked to inflict pain but there was always pleasure involved, it always involved sex. This feels like something else entirely. Pain for his pleasure and no one else’s.
“The doctor said you’d be able to handle a little necessary roughness,” he says, suddenly bringing me forward until I’m pressed up against him, his cock still hard against my bare hip. His mouth is inches from mine, his eyes like earth frozen over as they peer into mine, searching me. “So far you seem to be able to take it. But how far will you let me go?” he murmurs. He reaches out with his free hand and runs his finger under my eyes until my tears run over them and it’s only then that I realize I’m crying from the pain.
He tastes my tears, just like he did once upon a time, and he smiles devilishly, his eyes remaining hard. “Do you know what I taste in your tears?”
The world seems to slide backwards in time.
I swallow hard, not looking away. “Darkness,” I tell him.
He blinks slowly, his control faltering for a moment. “How did you know that?”
Because that’s what Dahlia’s tears tasted like, I want to say.Because we are the same.
“Because I am made from the darkness,” I tell him quietly, trying not to wince as he keeps tugging at my hair. “Just like you are.”
His lip curls in disdain. “I am not the Prince of Darkness.”
“I never said you were a prince.”
Valtu stares at me for a moment, unsure of how to handle me, what to make of me. I can see the puzzlement in his gaze, and it’s there even when he tries to hide it. “Fair enough, my dark rose,” he eventually says, his focus now fixated on my lips and for a moment I think he’s going to kiss me. But then he pulls back slightly. “So far you have more thorns than petals. It might just be enough to keep you. But we shall see.”
He yanks me by the hair and throws me on top of the bed and I quickly manage to flip around to face him, my instincts telling me to flee, to panic, because even though this is Valtu it’s also not. But he doesn’t force himself on me.
Instead he grabs the chains and in mere seconds the cold cuffs are placed over my ankles and wrists until I’m chained to the bedposts, naked and spread eagle.
“It’s not just me that humans can’t handle,” he says to me, walking toward the door. “It’s what keeps me company.”
He opens the door and pauses, looking at me over his shoulder. “I’ll see you in the morning. That is, if you’re still here.”
Then he shuts the door and the room goes black.