Even if he doesn’t remember me right now, my love will awaken his memory. I know it will. He can’t erase Mina, Lucy, and Dahlia.
Once he sees my heart, he’ll recognize it for what it is.
“I’m not staying away from him and giving up.”
“But he gave up on you,” Solon says and fuck, does that ever sting. I can’t help but flinch.
“I’m going to find him,” I glower. “He’ll remember me. Like hell I’m just going to stay here and twiddle my thumbs and leave it at that. I’m going to fight for him.”
“Once again, he killed you, Rose,” Dylan says.
“He killed Dahlia,” I correct him sharply. “And I’ll make sure he remembers it.”
I step away from the bar and take out my phone. It’s one in the morning. I don’t think I’m going anywhere right now other than the hotel.
“And how are you planning to get to…where? Germany?” Dylan asks. “With what money? You barely afforded the flight down here.”
“Flights,” I say, reminding him that I paid for both.
“Look,” Lenore says, coming around the bar. “If you really want to find Valtu, we’ll help you.”
“Lenore,” Solon warns.
“What?” she says, throwing her arms up and glaring at him. “Call me a romantic, but maybe she’s right. Maybe Valtu will see her and…”
“The spell will break?” he suggests dryly.
“Yeah,” she says, turning back to face me, her lips twisting sourly. “Something like that. And besides, this is my fault. If it wasn’t for me, Valtu wouldn’t have lost his mind. He wouldn’t have…killed you. I’ve had to live with that ever since that day, you know. I know that was partly my fault and I’ve regretted the way I acted ever since.”
Okay. Maybe I like Lenore just a smidge better now.
“So,” she says, pressing her fingers together, her red lacquered nails catching the flickering candlelight. “As an apology, let me get you a flight out to Germany. Whenever you want to go.”
Okay. Maybe I like her a lot better now.
“Tomorrow,” I say.
“Rose,” Dylan whines. “Come on. You can’t just leave without telling mom and dad.”
“And you don’t know where you’re going,” Solon says. “Wedon’t even know if Valtu is still there.”
“Well, do you know who would? I remember he was friends with a vampire…Bitrus? What about Dr. Van Helsing? I knew Abe when I was Lucy too. I looked him up, he’s still alive. At Oxford.”
Solon doesn’t say anything for a moment.
“You have his email,” Lenore reminds him quietly. “We’ll make sure Rose is set properly.” She looks me up and down. “And I’m probably going to have to lend you some clothes for the mountains, and well, seduction efforts.”
Fuck. Looks like I’m going to Germany.
“We’re sorry to see you go, Professor Aminoff,” Guido says to me with a sad twitch of his mustache. He offers his meaty hand to me and I shake it firmly. “It is a great loss to us and to the students, but we understand that change is an indisputable part of life.”