I slowly get out of the chair and follow Lenore as she walks past an old-fashioned looking bar with rows of glasses hanging above top-shelf liquor bottles. She gestures through a glass door to the billiards room where I can see Dylan playing pool with Solon. He’s laughing and I can hear him faintly through the door, jabbering on about some TV show he’s obsessed with.
“Want a drink?” Lenore asks, gesturing behind the bar. “Or would you like something more bloody? I could make you a real Bloody Mary. You’re looking a little pale.”
“I was pale even before I became a vampire.”
She goes and grabs a vodka bottle. “I know. I see your freckles have faded a lot. Your skin has reverted to the way it used to be when you were born. When I transitioned, I lost every one of my tattoos. It sucked.”
“Maybe that’s for the best,” I tell her, sitting on a bar stool. “Tattoos are great, but not for eternity.”
She gives me a quick smile as she pours her vodka in a highball with ice. “So Dylan…that’s his name, right? He said you didn’t remember any of your past lives until you turned into a vampire. How long has that been?”
“Couple of days now.”
“And your name is Rose now. Rose what?”
Her eyes turn into saucers and her hand starts shaking enough that she has to put down the bottle.
“Rose Harper?” she whispers, her brows knitting together. “Oh god. And…Dylan Harper?”
“Yeah,” I say slowly.
“Your parents…I should have known.”
And then I realize why she looks so shocked. Dylan didn’t tell her who our parents are.
“They used to live in this very house,” I inform her.
She swallows, shaking her head. “No way. It can’t be.”
“And yet it is. Of course, I didn’t know that until the other day. Dylan didn’t know either. We didn’t know that they weren’t always John and Yvonne, but Wolf and Amethyst.”
“Solon!” Lenore yells over her shoulder. “Get in here! You’re not going to believe this.”
In seconds there’s a flash, the scent of warm tobacco filling my nose, and Solon is suddenly standing right beside her.
“What is it?” he asks, staring at Lenore with concern.
She points at me. “This is Rose Harper.Harper. She’s…she’s Wolf and Amethyst’s daughter.”
“The fuck?” Solon says, his voice gruff even in his faint British accent. “But we’ve met you before.” He eyes Dylan as he walks out of the billiards room toward us. “We’ve met both of you before.”
“That was like ten years ago,” I tell him. “I’ve changed. I don’t think you would have seen me and immediately thought of Dahlia.”
He runs his hand over his brow. For such a distinguished and notorious vampire, I have to admit it’s rather novel to see him reacting this way. “I don’t understand. You’re Dahlia. And you’ve been reincarnated into Wolf and Amethyst’s child?”
I shrug. “I know.”
“But don’t you think that’s a coincidence?”
“I don’t know what it is. I don’t know how reincarnation works. How did I happen to find Valtu again? Both times before?”
“It’s a web,” Lenore says. “And you keep getting tangled in it.”
“By dying over and over again,” I say grimly.
“Except not now cuz you’re a vampire,” Dylan points out, then notices the bar. “Hey, you got any beer?”