Page 113 of Black Rose

I roll my eyes at the termboyfriendwhile she takes the pill from him and puts it in her mouth, swallowing. I don’t want to admit this to Van Helsing, but I can already feel his blood pill working through my system. It doesn’t have that taste, that physically addicting feeling you get from drinking straight from a human, but it is making my cells replenish, giving my mind and body a boost. I’d compare it to vitamins—you’re better off eating a healthy diet but supplements will help you when you can’t.

I’d say it’s already taking the edge off my hunger, but I think I’m still hungry for Rose. Her blood last night was exquisite. It tasted like Dahlia’s blood but different now. It’s both fresher because of her age and headier because she’s now a vampire. If I could only feed off Rose for the rest of my life, I would be a very happy man.

“So what’s the plan?” Wolf’s voice booms across the room, taking a wide stance and crossing his arms. If he thinks he’s trying to intimidate me, he’s got another thing coming.

“I don’t know,” I tell him. “Shouldn’t we wait for Lenore and Solon to figure this out?”

“Doesn’t hurt to get it started,” Van Helsing says and ticks off his fingers. “Let’s see, we have two vampires that are witches, two vampires that know some party tricks, and then—”

“Then the rest of us normal fucking people,” Amethyst pipes up dryly, arching a black brow.

“And you both remember where Bellamy was located?” Van Helsing asks us.

Rose nods, absently rubbing at the scar on her chest. “Yes. But that’s all we know now. Without the book, we can’t tap into their location. I doubt they’d still be there now that we know.”

“Except we don’t know what they know,” I point out. “You’re a vampire now. That might prevent Bellamy from knowing that it’s you, that you’re his Dahlia. They definitely know who I am though.”

“Like you’re really so distinctive,” Wolf mutters under his breath.

“And they think you have the book,” Van Helsing points out. “We could use that to our advantage somehow.”

“I still don’t think they’d be there,” Rose says. “And if they are, they’ll be waiting for us. And anyway, I don’t think you can really count me as a vampire witch. I don’t know any spells or how to use magic other than killing things with lightning bolts.”

“You can do what now?” Amethyst asks, her eyes going round.

Rose gives her a hangdog look. “Remember when the lightning hit the deck when we were fighting? That was me.”

Wolf sighs loudly. “I’ve spent days trying to replace the boards,” he says with a groan but there’s just a touch of pride in his eyes.

“That’s not nothing,” Van Helsing says. “I’m counting you as a witch.”

“Speaking of witches,” Lenore’s voice rings out through the suite. Okay, this hotel room is officially at capacity.

Our heads all swivel toward Lenore and Solon who’ve just come inside, the sound of the door closing behind them.

“How did you get in here?” I frown.

“Magic,” she says with a smug smile, wiggling her fingers in a manner that’s both saying hello and showing off her abilities.

Even though I haven’t seen Solon for a long time, and Lenore for even longer than that, it feels like no time at all. There’s something to be said about being immortal and everyone always looks the same.

Solon and I nod at each other.

Valtu. It’s been awhile, Solon projects his thoughts.

A little too long, I tell him.That’s on me.

He nods. I can see that you’re back.

I grab Rose’s hand and give it a squeeze.I am.

Better late than never,he says.Bit of a trip dealing with Wolf, no?

I can’t help but laugh at that.You can say that again.

“Okay boys, enough with your private little convo,” Lenore says to us with an air of impatience. She looks at everyone else. “We were just in the Spice Bazaar down the street and holy fuck, did I ever feel a presence.”

“What do you mean?” Rose asks.