There’s more to what my parents just told me. Dylan suspects it too, but they won’t give him anything. I’ve seen my father shut things down before when he gets that cagey look in his eye, and this won’t be an exception.
What a fucking way to transition. My whole life I waited until the day I turned twenty-one, when I would finally step into the vampire I was destined to become.
Now it feels like destiny is fucking me over once again.
I’ve not only become a vampire, I’ve discovered I was and maybe am part witch. And that I am part of a long line of souls that keeps getting reincarnated. But brought back for what purpose? Is it as I promised Valtu, that my heart would always find his? Or is it something greater than that?
Why do I remember?
Why am I hereagain?
I close my eyes and a powerful surge of love washes over me, sinking into the marrow of my bones, making me feel borderline nauseous and dizzy.
I loved Valtu, and I still do.
I still do.
But where is he in this big bad world?
What has he done with the book? What has the book done with him?
And how the hell am I going to find him again?
…does he even want me to?
Two women died at my hand on the same day.
Two witches.
And yet, after the loss of Dahlia, I feel nothing for taking the life of the other witch. A sign that my humanity has been compromised, but my soul feels too ravaged to care. Frankly, it’s hard to care about anything.
But Solon and Lenore care. They care about the bigger picture. To me there is no picture at all, just a negative, like watching film get developed in reverse.
So tonight we’re getting rid of two bodies.
There is no moon, we have no lights, but we can see. The three of us living beings in my small motorboat with two dead ones.
We go past the long island of Lido, past the channel markers, out into the Gulf of Venice. The waves are big out here, and there are boats and ferries going back and forth, their lights bobbing with the swell, but we move easily through the dark.
I bring the boat to a stop when I think the water’s deep enough.
It’s cold. I shouldn’t be cold but I am. It smells like snow and sorrow on the wind. I stare over into the inky depths and I wonder what would happen if I latched the bricks onto myself. If I sank to the bottom with my dove. Her wings may be clipped now but that doesn’t mean I have to be without her.
“Valtu,” Solon says gently, but there’s a warning in his voice. He knows my thoughts. “We need you here.”
Why? So I can kill someone else?
So I can lose someone else?
“We’ll get rid of the witch first,” Lenore says. She leans down and picks up the girl by the shoulders. I feel like this is the first time I’m getting a real look at her. I don’t know her name but she’s pretty, maybe late thirties, smooth skin and dark hair. I wonder if she was a true friend to Dahlia or if she operated under Bellamy’s thumb. It’s possible she was both.
Solon reaches down and takes her feet, the bricks resting on her stomach, and they unceremoniously dump the body overboard. The witch goes in with a splash then immediately sinks. I look away, not wanting to see her face as it disappears into the depths.