But, unlike five years ago, he would not make her feel guilty, dirty, shameful or unworthy—he no longer held that power over her. She refused to grant it to him. It was not wrong to want her son or to wish for the hedonistic passions of love. To reach beyond her expectations. Thane might fight dirty at times, but at least he fought. Hard. For what he believed in, what he desired above all else. Taking a leaf out of his book wouldn’t hurt.

Thinking about it, right at this moment she’d never felt so strong in her life.

Claudia—tall and dark, striking and radiant—appeared at the arched entryway, shielding her eyes from the sun, and leather creaked as Nate bounced at the sight of her.

‘Go inside with Auntie Claudia, darling. I’ll just be a few minutes.’

‘Okay, Mamá,’ he said, darting from the car and bolting up the stone steps.

Luciana raised splayed fingers—five minutes?—and on her sister’s nod, the door slammed shut.

The locks clicked into place and she depressed the internal speaker for the driver.

‘Another limousine, another town. How are you, Seve?’ She’d swear she’d seen more of this man in the last few days than Thane.

Down came the privacy screen on a soft whirr, until she stared into deep-set titanium eyes sparkling with amusement in the rearview mirror.

‘You beat me to it. I’m impressed. What gave me away?’

‘Let’s just say I can feel his protection.’

All around her. Wrapping her in warmth when she was so cold inside, missing him already. Wondering what he was doing in that darkly disturbing castle, who he was with. Why her inner voice shrilled that he was with no one, had only his dark pain for company.

‘How does it feel, driving a car embellished with the Arunthian royal crest?’

Seve grimaced, and she couldn’t help but laugh a little.

‘So…are you my new shadow?’ she asked.

‘I sure am. Until he’s satisfied you’re safe and that your father won’t push you into anything you don’t want.’

Wry was the smile that curved her lips. Leopards and their infallible spots. He couldn’t quite let go. And the hell of it was she adored him for it. They might not share love, but he cared.

‘What is he doing in that castle, Seve? Who is he with?’

Unease permeated the air-con cooled air and he rolled his brick-like shoulders.

‘Please, Seve, he won’t talk to me.’

Exhaling heavily, he met her gaze in the rearview mirror. ‘If I know Thane he’s into his third bottle of Scotch after a bout in the barracks while my dear old dad cracks open the champers, celebrating his continued reign.’ Anger rode his tone hard. ‘I don’t know what infuriates me more.’

Luciana frowned deeply. ‘Barracks? What would he be doing there? And, hold on a sec—your dear old dad?’

He arched one dark brow. ‘Much like Thane, I lucked out in the father stakes. My dad is Franco Guerrero.’

‘Oh, Lord.’ It struck her then, with everything that had gone on last night, that she’d never given Thane’s uncle a thought. ‘By marrying me Thane would have overthrown him. I imagine he isn’t best pleased about that.’

‘Understatement of the millennia, Princess. He’s been causing Thane trouble for days—ever since you dropped the Nate bomb on him.’

She groaned aloud. ‘Dammit. That’s why he’s been going to the castle. Practically pushing me down the aisle. Why didn’t he tell me? The insufferable man doesn’t talk.’

But she knew the answer before Seve muttered it. He wouldn’t have wanted her worrying. Had to be the hero, didn’t he? While she was doing her usual—painting a prophesy of desolation in a gilded cage.

Why did she do that? Claudia was right—she was a darn pessimist. An optimist would believe fate had brought them together again, regardless of Thane’s agenda, say they had a son and that in time love could grow. An idealist would reason that duty didn’t necessarily bode a farewell to happiness. They were not her parents—they could strive to have both.

And the duty that put the fear of God up her didn’t have to be a noose around her neck—it could be an adventure with Thane. The greatest adventure of all. She just had to fight for it. Make it happen. Be her own hero. And maybe Thane’s too, for once. Give him the crown he so desperately wanted. Help him free his people from tyranny. Make his mother’s dreams come true. The woman he couldn’t even speak of without pain engulfing him with a tenebrous shroud.