And that was it. It dawned on her that there was just no point in arguing. None.

From the corner of her eye she noticed a workman bundled in ski gear as he fought the elements, dragging safety cones across the asphalt, and knew exactly what she had to do.

Luciana took one last look at Thane’s dark beauty and memorised every wicked, gorgeous inch of him. Then she hiked her chin and declared, ‘I am not getting on that plane with you. Goodbye, Thane.’

Off she went, veering in the workman’s direction, begging her feet not to slip. Cursing herself for not taking three extra minutes back at the lodge to change her clothes.

‘Excuse me?’ she called out. ‘Hello? Helloooo…?’

His head came up, eyes latched onto her and he waved back.

Thank the heavens above.

Keep walking, Luce, just keep walking—

‘Oh, no, you don’t.’

An ironclad hand curled around her upper arm and next thing she knew she’d collided with Thane’s hot, hard, magnificent body.

Fear and excitement shot through her in equal measure. Yet her protest went the way of her sanity when he pulled her impossibly closer, snaring her waist with one strong arm and stroking up her neck with his free hand, his fingers curling around her nape to cradle her head.

She’d have to be dead not to feel the unabashed sexual charge that sparked in the air. And, like a stick of dynamite, her insides detonated in an explosion of desire, sending an avalanche of wet heat thundering through her.

Quaking, she had to bite down hard on her lip to stifle a whimper. It didn’t quite work. She let slip a hum-like cry.

Those dark, fathomless eyes locked onto her, pupils flaring as she swept her tongue across her bottom lip, and from nowhere a memory cracked through the brume of her mind…

Luciana was perched on a brick wall, waiting for him to lift her down, waiting for him to make his first move. Just…waiting for him. As if that was all she’d done all her life. ‘Aren’t you going to kiss me?’ she’d asked, yearning for him to do just that.

When his expression had morphed into a giddy blend of enthusiasm and alarm she’d been flummoxed.

‘Haven’t you ever kissed a woman before?’

A blush so faint she’d nearly missed it had crept over the carved slash of his cheeks. A little embarrassed. A whole lot nervous.

She’d slid down the wall to puddle at his feet. ‘Can I kiss you, then?’ she’d asked, smoothing his frown away with her fingertips, tucking his hair behind his ears. ‘Would that be okay?’

Ignoring the rhythmic tic in his jaw, she’d pushed up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. Warm. Soft. And as sensual and commanding as the man himself. Because as soon as she’d coaxed his mouth open with a flick of her tongue he’d taken over with an instinct as old as time and claimed her in a sweet, devouring…

Luciana blinked back to the here and now—to the snow whirling around them on the chorus of the breeze, the frozen wet droplets peppering her face. To Thane’s dark eyes, deep and hungry and shot with shards of amber, the power of their sexual pull crippling in its intensity.

‘My jet is the other way, angel,’ he drawled, as if her defiance had not only been expected but he found her as cute as a button because of it.

The urge to kick him made her rapidly freezing feet twitch.

Angel… He’d never called her that before. He must have sharpened his sinful seduction skills over the past few years. It was crazy for her to wish he’d only ever been hers. Just as she’d only ever been his. Crazy. Men needed sex every day, didn’t they? This man certainly had. Up close to him like this, it was easy to remember the long, sultry days and hot nights. Twisted sheets damp with sweat. Sticky skin and the musky scent of their passion lingering in the air as he was controlled by a dark atavistic need to mark her again and again. The slight soreness that only made them desperate for more. Insatiable. Never getting enough.

The base of her abdomen clenched; her core twisted with want.

Oh, this was bad. Really, really bad.

‘Thane, let me go,’ she demanded, cursing inwardly at the feathery panting that accompanied her words. ‘I’m not joking. This is not funny. I’m not coming with you and you can’t make me.’

His dark eyes glittered with challenge and her blood thrummed through her veins. She was scandalous—that was what she was.

‘You and I both know I can and I will. So, are you going to walk or will I have to carry you over my shoulder?’ he asked, his rich velvet voice doing nothing to hide the steely threat of his words.