“I think that’s all I have for now,” Macy said.
“You can call me whenever you have a question about Cat or advice on your club.”
“That’s great to know we have a friend in the business.”
“I have no doubt you guys will be successful. I’ll have to come visit when it’s done.”
“Come anytime. I bet Cat would like to see you.”
“As disappointed as I am about not getting Cat as my own sub, at least I know she’s being taken care of and protected by one of the best.”
“That she is. No one will be able to get through to me, but we also have my partners who are just as deadly and care about her. So, she’s surrounded.”
“Good to know. If you come to my town by chance, come and see me.”
“I will. I think I’ll be visiting soon.”
“Sounds good. Tell Cat hi for me.”
“I will.” Macy hung up the phone and stood. Daniel probably wanted his office back, and he needed to get back to Cat.
He’d talk over a strategy with the guys in the morning. Until then, he had some thinking to do.
Chapter Sixteen
Cat finished her list of what she thought the four condos would need and made notes for the guys to pick what they wanted regarding the colors and sizes of things like the appliances, sofa, towels, etc.
She whirled around when someone tapped her on her shoulder as she was deep in thought in one of the other guys’ condos.
It was a man she didn’t know, and she hated how he looked at her.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. She looked at the open door to the condo, the door she’d made sure was closed.
“I saw you come in here and wanted to meet you. I’m with the elevator crew.”
“You’re not supposed to be here. I think you should leave.”
He took a step toward her and smiled. “But, darlin’, all I want to do is talk.”
“That’s not going to happen,” Caden said behind him.
Caden grabbed the back of the man’s shirt and turned him to face him. “You were told this morning to stay out of the rooms and not talk to her.”
“Jesus, all I was doing was talking…”
Cat grimaced when Caden punched him in the face and knocked him down. The man’s nose was bleeding, and he was trying to crabwalk away from Caden.
She couldn’t see Caden’s face, but from the look on the other guy’s face, it was scary.
The door opened, and Macy stepped in. He looked at the situation, ran his gaze down her to ensure she was okay, and then returned to Caden.
“What happened?”
“This fucker, along with the others, was told to stay in their area and not come into any of the rooms and especially not talk to our girl. He’s what I found when I came to check on her.”
“How long was he in here with you, Baby?”
The low, calm tone of Macy’s voice sent a shiver of apprehension down her back. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but she was afraid the guy would feel some pain.