Page 51 of The Cat's Dom

Macy cleared his throat, and it settled her down. “Let’s go back to my parents. Did they know the type of person you were?”

He grinned. “Of course. We’d been friends for a long time.”

How could parents do that to a child?

She looked over her shoulder at Macy and relaxed. He looked like he was about ready to murder Maximus. This bastard tried to ruin her life but didn’t succeed, which is what mattered. She turned back to him and smiled. She loved how the man looked a little shocked and then uneasy.

“Well, I guess I know who won, and that’s what matters. You’ll be in here for the rest of your miserable life,” she said, leaning forward. “And guess what?”


“You’re going to have so much fun. You’re going to get some of the shit you put me and others through. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.”

He paled and then turned red and smiled. “Nice try, but I’ve already bought protection. No one is going to get to me, you little cunt.”

She stood and took a step back. “You bought it with what?”

He looked confused.

“Your money has disappeared, shithead. Didn’t your lawyer tell you?”

Maximus jerked to his feet only to have the guard yank him back down. “You little bitch. I’ll find it, and then I’ll pay someone to kill your ass.”

Cat snorted and then laughed when she looked around the room. “That wasn’t smart. There are law enforcement people here.”

Maximus snorted and looked around. “You mean these pussy-ass guards?”

God, he really was stupid. “I would never call them that because I respect what they do. Not many people are strong enough to take on their job.”

“Fuck them and you. I’ll get my money back, and then watch out.”

“Max, your money is already gone, so you’re on your own.” She raised her voice a bit and knew everyone in the room heard her. “Oh, do your friends here know how you like to rape and torture children? I bet some of them won’t like that. How about whipping them, stomping on their legs to break them, and then laughing? Well, I really hope it takes a long time for them to get to know you. I was with you for four years, right, Max?” She looked around the room and saw all the interest from the prisoners and almost laughed. Especially when Macy snorted behind her, and the guard smiled.

Maximus understood what she was doing and paled and looked around. The fear in his eyes was something she’d never forget and enjoyed immensely. “I’ll have the scars from your abuse for the rest of my life, but now they don’t mean anything. You’ll be gone soon, and then you’ll get back everything you did to so many tenfold in Hell. Good luck with that, you bastard.”

She walked over to Macy, who instantly wrapped an arm around her. She waved over her shoulder at him. “Have fun.”

“You fucking cunt,” Maximus bellowed and tried to fight the guard from holding him back. Two more jumped in to subdue him. “I’ll see you in Hell.”

She laughed. She could tell the guards were being rough on him and enjoying it, and she wanted to stay and watch, but her Dom was determined to get her out of there.

They were pulling out of the prison in his truck when Macy took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You know what you did, right?” Macy asked.

She looked over at him. “Yes. I don’t regret it, Sir. Does that make me a bad person?”

“Fuck, no. I’m damn proud of you.”

She smiled. “Really?”

“Oh, hell, yes. All the abuse he’ll get in prison, he deserves. Most of the prisoners hate men that rape women or abuse children. I hope they make his life hell every day before one of them kills him.”

She nodded. “I do, too. I wonder if his friends that raped me could get some justice, too.”

“The group is already on it. Your friend, Kane, has been compiling information about the other two men.”

Her smile grew. “Oh, my God. That’s wonderful.”

“You know, he stills feels guilty that he couldn’t help you before.”