Spencer swallowed and asked, “Did you serve Kent yesterday?”
“No. I didn’t see him. I still have to do that.”
“That you can do down here. We’ll ask Gerard and Jasiah to bring Kent down here for the papers. They’ll be with him and he won’t cause trouble. Honestly, he’s been taking part in the peace talks with us. But it doesn’t excuse his behavior prior to that.”
“No, it doesn’t,” she responded. Scooping another bite of egg onto her fork, she put it in her mouth.
Helissa pulled out some containers. “Spencer, will you be with Kenna today? I’m packing food.”
“Yes. I’ll be staying at her place for at least tonight.”
Helissa nodded, and Kenna wondered what everyone thought of that. Spencer staying at her place for two nights in a row. It looked like things were different than they were. But part of her, a sassy part of her, didn’t want to explain it. He was an incredible man. Handsome, strong, tall, broad, muscly and kind. She could do worse.
Another man walked into the kitchen. “Morning.”
He held his hand out to her. “I’m Tate Vickers. You must be Kenna.”
“Yes. Hi. Kenna Lawrence,” she responded around a mouthful of food.
Tate nodded and poured himself a cup of coffee. When he turned, he said, “I understand you’re going out with the girls tonight.”
Her body became rigid. She’d forgotten. Staring into his eyes, she swallowed. “I forgot.” She laid her fork on her plate and folded her hands together on her lap. “I can’t...like this. I don’t want to be seen...”
Spencer reached under the counter and held her hands. Both of her hands fit in his grasp. Her mind wandered as she thought about this. But her mind caught the last of his words. “...at your place or here.”
Addy shrugged. “I’m fine with either. We’ll just sit and chitchat. At your place, we can talk about men and how evil they are without the men being around.”
“You don’t do that—do you?” Kenna asked.
Addy laughed. “No. Not really. We work with some great men here and we don’t have the horrible experiences that many women do. But you and Lara may have some things to say about the subject.”
Tate’s brows rose into his hairline. “Lara has no complaints where I’m concerned.”
Addy laughed again. “Most men don’t think so.”
Spencer leaned forward and looked past her to Addy. “You’re digging yourself in deep, Addy.”
She shrugged. “Naw. I’m sure Tate’s right.”
Tate shook his head and let out a deep breath. “Spencer, what do you plan to do about Colt?”
“I’m going to install security cameras at Kenna’s today. Beyond that, there isn’t much we can do until he tries something. But keeping her feeling safe and catching him on camera will help us put his ass in jail if he tries anything.”
She turned to Spencer. Her eyes locked on his, but she said nothing. She wasn’t sure what to say, to be honest.
He grinned at her. “Are you finished with breakfast?”
Nodding, she pushed her plate back, and Helissa scoffed. “You’re too skinny.”
“I’m sorry. It’s delicious. Really. It’s just hard to eat today.”
Helissa shrugged and opened the refrigerator. She opened a can of something and poured it into a glass. Setting it in front of her, Helissa nodded. “Nutritional drink. At least you’ll get your vitamins.”
“Thank you.” She sipped at her drink as Tate and Addy chatted about her being present today at their meeting.
Spencer mentioned having Kent come with them so she could serve him, and Tate nodded. “Kenna, will you be able to stop in at the Sheriff’s Department this afternoon to serve Kent?”
“Yes. Thank you.”