Kenna cried out. “You’ve seen plenty of my injuries, Colt. Get away from me.”
Spencer’s jaw tightened, and his stomach rolled. The door swung open and Baxter filled the doorway.
“Colt, get out of here.”
“But, I’m just...”
“Get. Out. Now.” Baxter clipped.
Colt stomped out swearing and muttering something about this not being over and Spencer’s jaw tightened once again. He’d find out later what this was all about.
He gently set Kenna on the softest chair in the trailer, which wasn’t much more than a padded metal folding chair. Kneeling in front of her, he looked into her eyes. “Where are you hurt the most, Kenna?”
She sniffed and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped Adelaide’s picture.
“Hey, are you on your way back?” she asked. “Helissa said supper is almost ready.”
Spencer’s stomach twisted as he watched Kenna’s face. “No. I need you to come here. They’ve beaten Kenna Lawrence. Bring your medical kit.”
He ended the call without another word and dropped his phone on the floor near his knees.
“Kenna, honey, can you tell me where the pain is worst?”
She swallowed and lifted her hand to the side of her right eye. He saw the bruising spreading and forming, and the swelling was already nearly twice the size of her left eye. He feared she had a fractured eye socket. Addy could tell better than he.
“Did Craig do this?”
Tears streamed down her cheeks, and he waited in fear that the wailing was trying to burst free. All she did was barely nod her head.
“Why did you go up there alone?”
She stared at him but didn’t say a word.
Her heart beat so hard it almost hurt. She could feel the pulsing in her neck and the throbbing in her face with each quick beat. Spencer assessed her face. He held her hand as he ran his other hand up her arms, looking for any signs of injury.
Gently, he laid her right hand on her lap as he slowly lifted her right leg. But he watched her face as he did to see if she felt pain. When she didn’t cry out or wince, he smiled at her. He was handsome. Incredibly handsome. This close to him, she could see his dark thick lashes surrounding grass green eyes. She swallowed down the envy. Thick lashes with no makeup—every woman’s dream.
Spencer lifted her left leg slowly, watching her face. She swallowed and her heart didn’t slow. In fact, it sped up. He smelled like spices and citrus and something she couldn’t identify.
Tears spilled down her cheeks and heat raced up her body as she realized what she must look like at this moment to him.
“How about your ribs Kenna? Do they hurt?”
Her right hand laid against her rib cage and she pressed in. He grinned at her then and whispered, “Take a slow, deep breath, honey.”
Honey? Honey! Wow, that sounded so nice. She did as he asked and winced slightly.
“Show me where it hurts.”
Her left hand laid against her left rib cage and he let out a breath. “I’m going to lift your shirt slightly to see if you have bruising. I’ll be careful not to lift too high.”
He stared into her eyes and she finally whispered, “Okay.”
He gently lifted the left side of her t-shirt up and stopped. His fingers were gentle when he touched her. Softly pressing around the area where that jerk had kicked her.
The trailer door opened and soft footsteps entered behind her. She swallowed and closed her eyes. At least Spencer was here, and where did Baxter go? Hopefully, he made Colt go home.