Page 76 of Rescuing Kenna

She laughed; her face a sight to behold for certain. His mind reeled with all the things. He’d dreamed of being a father in the past, but after Aidyn and Elena had their baby, he began thinking of it more. He was thirty-one; it was time.

“How many kids do you want? It’s something we should talk about.”

She turned toward him in her seat. “Two, I think.”

He squeezed her hand, then kissed her fingers. “Yeah. Two sounds perfect.”

Kenna chuckled. “It’s a great number.”

He pulled into the HOG garage and shut the truck off. He jumped from the truck and hustled around to help Kenna down. When he opened the door, he smiled at her.

He kissed her lips. “So you really want to be here? Stay here I mean?”

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, and he pulled her off her seat. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist. “I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t. That’s the honest truth, Spencer.”

His heart felt light and he couldn’t wait to tell his parents. He let her body slide down his until her feet touched the ground. Taking her hand in his, he started them toward the door then stopped. “Let’s go tell them we’re getting married.”

She smiled her beautiful smile. He’d watch her smile forever now, and that was a great feeling. “Okay.”

He kissed her again, his heart happy. It was difficult to get his breathing under control and he wanted to shout. Literally, shout right now.

He opened the door to the HOG for her and walked in behind her. Their friends and family were eating and his mom jumped up to get plates for them.

“Hi, you two. Come on in and eat. We just started since we weren’t sure when you’d be home.”

“Thanks, Mom.” He led Kenna to the table and they sat. His mom set their plates in front of them and sat next to his dad.

He didn’t begin eating right away, but glanced down and stared into Kenna’s eyes for a few beats. She smiled and nodded, then he said, “We have an announcement.”

The room quieted, and he held up Kenna’s left hand. “She said yes!”

Their friends cheered, and his mom jumped up from her seat and hugged Kenna. “Welcome to the family.” Then she hugged him. “Congratulations, honey.”

His dad shook his hand, then pulled him in for a hug. “Congratulations, son.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Their friends gathered around and offered hugs and handshakes. He was elated. She was radiant. It was a moment he’d remember forever.