Page 61 of Rescuing Kenna

She turned to face her mom. “Sorry mom, I didn’t hear you.”

“I asked you if you’d take care of ordering the flowers for your father.”

Spencer turned to face her. She swallowed. Her eyes landed on his for a moment, then back to her mom. “Of course.”

Spencer’s jaw tightened. The muscle in his jaw moved. She smiled his way, and he nodded in return before sitting in the chair near the window.

Her phone rang, and she looked at the number. Not recognizing it, she answered, “The Paper Trail.”

“Kenna is that you? This is Peter Murphy. I just heard about Howie’s passing. I’m very sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you, Mr. Murphy.” She stood and walked away from the table and the chattering about arrangements, down the hallway toward her old bedroom. She pushed the door open, and it was like stepping back in time. Her twin bed still dominated the middle of the room. The same pink and yellow floral bedspread she’d had in high school still draped over the bed. Her little wooden desk was freshly polished and held pictures of her in her high school years. Cheerleading pictures, her graduation photo. Friends and various activities she’d taken part in during her high school years.

She sat at the foot of the bed, staring at the pictures of years gone by.

Murphy continued. “I have some papers that need to be served in the next couple of weeks. Are you taking on Howie’s business like the good ole’ days?”

“I am. At least for right now, I’m here working in the office.”

“Good. I’ll have the documents couriered over to you this afternoon.”

“I’ll pick them up, if you don’t mind. The office is closed today and tomorrow. The funeral will be Saturday, and next Monday the office will reopen.”

Mr. Murphy sighed. “How about this? Let me have them brought to your office on Monday. I get wrapped up with business and forget the small things. It’s something Mrs. Murphy complains about all the time. Again, we’ll miss Howie. He was a special man.”

She smiled. “Thank you. He was for sure.”

A sound caught her attention, and she turned toward the door to see Spencer’s gigantic frame leaning against the doorjamb.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“Hi. Business doesn’t stop, even when life does. Does it?”

She shook her head and swallowed. Spencer stepped into the room and made the room impossibly small. He stared at the photos on her desk, a soft grin forming on his lips as he picked up a picture of her in her cheerleading uniform.

He teased, “Hubba-hubba.”

She shook her head and giggled. “Hardly.”

“Honey, you were a beautiful young lady in high school and you’re a beautiful woman now. The first time I saw you, I thought you were stunning.”

“Hardly. You ran me over.”

“Ah, but I saved you from falling on your ass. It was me who took the brunt of that fall.”

She grinned as he grimaced, rotating his shoulder. “Oh, were you seriously injured?” she giggled. She ran her hand over his firm shoulder, then let her hand slide down his chest.

“Yes, I was.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You stole my heart that day.”

“Did I now?” She kissed his chin, then wrapped her arms around his waist. Tilting her head up to look into his handsome face, she smiled. “You aren’t feeding me full of your sad pickup lines now, are you?”

“Sweetheart, I don’t have sad pickup lines.”

She laughed, and his chest rumbled in laughter with her. He kissed her lips then looked into her eyes. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes. Attorney Murphy needs some papers served, but he’ll have them brought to the office on Monday.”
