Page 57 of Rescuing Kenna

To Tate he said, “Kenna’s dad is passing. I’m headed out there to be with her.”

“I’m sorry, Spencer. Let me know if there is anything we can do.”

His stomach tightened as he drove to the Lawrences’ home, just on the outskirts of town. Addy’s car and another car were in the driveway. He parked behind Addy’s car and hustled to the door that led to the kitchen.

He knocked softly, then stepped inside without waiting, eager to get to Kenna. He heard soft whispers down the hallway and followed them to the bedroom Kenna had gone into last night. When he stepped into the room, Addy nodded to him from a chair in the corner. Kenna sat on the edge of the bed, holding her father’s hand. Her mother was on the other side of the bed, sitting with her back to the headboard, holding her husband’s other hand. The doctor, he assumed, stood at the foot of the bed, his hands folded together.

He stepped further into the room and Kenna turned her head and smiled at him. She held her hand out to him and he closed the distance between them. Her hand was small and cold. He held her tightly, offering silent support.

She turned to her dad. His eyes were closed, his breathing was labored, and uneven, his mouth hung open. “Daddy, he’s here. The boy I told you about. Spencer.”

Niya opened her eyes and smiled gently at him. He saw her squeeze her husband’s hand.

Spencer kneeled on one knee next to Kenna and wrapped his arm around her back, holding her as close as he could. Her hand slid across his shoulders and stopped at the back of his head, her fingers winding into his hair at his nape.

“Daddy, this is Spencer.”

“Hello, Mr. Lawrence. It’s nice to meet you.”

His eyes fluttered slightly. Recognition? Maybe a stranger in the room bothered him.

The door opened once again, and a man with dark hair and green eyes stepped into the room. Niya sobbed, and the man moved to her side of the bed and bent down to hug her.

“Howie, Jonnie’s here.” Niya scooted off the bed, and Jonnie sat next to Howie. He leaned over and chucked Kenna on the shoulder. She smiled. “Jon, this is Spencer. Spencer, my youngest brother, and pain in the butt, Jon.”

Spencer nodded as Jon looked down at his father and softly ran his fingers down his father’s face. “Dad, I love you.”

Kenna’s sniffles reached his ears, and he squeezed her closer. She laid her head next to his, their temples touching. Silent tears slid down his face as he watched this stoic family say goodbye to their patriarch. He hoped when the day came, he could be as good at saying goodbye as this family. It was a lesson everyone should learn.

They’d sat quietly for another twenty minutes when Howie’s breathing stuttered. The doctor sat on the bed behind Kenna and reached forward with his stethoscope and listened for a few quiet moments.

He wordlessly pulled his stethoscope back and rested it around his neck. He stood quietly and nodded to Niya.

She smiled sadly and took Howie’s hand in hers once again. The two siblings and their mother surrounded him, while Addy, he and the doctor stood back in the room. They all watched as Howie gained his angel wings and left his earthly body for life in heaven.

Afterwards, Kenna leaned forward and kissed her father on the cheek, then stood and wrapped her arms around Spencer’s waist. It was a connection he needed more than anything right now. He wanted to be here with her at this moment, but truth be told, he needed Kenna to be here with him. He’d seen his fellow servicemen pass in his day. It was always gut-wrenching and solemn, but it was usually much faster, like ripping off a Band-Aid. He’d never sat vigil as one passed, and it was a unique experience for sure.

Kenna turned and hugged Addy. “Thank you for being here, Addy.”

Addy smiled serenely. “I’m happy to be here to support you all.”

Kenna turned to him again and held him close. Addy stepped out of the room and he waited until Kenna was ready before taking her hand and leading her out to the living room.

He sat in the chair he’d occupied last night and Kenna snuggled on his lap. His arms wrapped around her, her head on his shoulder. He glanced out the window and saw Addy outside on the phone. He assumed she was calling the HOG or her parents. Likely her parents. All he wanted to do right now was call his parents and tell them he loved and missed them.

About an hour later, Helissa showed up at the house with Lara, carrying food containers and cookies. They set a spread up on the counter and everyone ate together. He formally met Jonathon and learned about his life in Florida.

The coroner came and left with Howie. Later in the evening, Kenna’s brother Sean made it home.

His burner phone buzzed, and he read a text from Tate.

“You got another text with a picture of the Lawrence home.”

Whoever it was knew they were here. Or at least, knew Kenna was here.


She woke as the sun streamed in through the window, but the firm, warm body she’d grown to expect behind her wasn’t there. Rolling over, the dent in Spencer’s pillow remained, but Spencer had gotten up and quietly left the room.