Page 49 of Rescuing Kenna

“Sort of. I believe you threw yourself at me, though.”

Her mouth fell open, then snapped shut. “Uh, no. You ran right for me and grabbed me in your arms and we fell to the ground together.”

He laughed. “Something like that.”

He pulled the truck into the garage and turned off the ignition. “I’m sorry about your dad, Kenna. I want you to know that.”

She swallowed and nodded. “Thank you.”

He opened his door and strode around the truck, opened her door and held his hand out to help her down.

They walked hand in hand into the HOG. It was quiet inside, as if everyone had gone out for the night, except all the vehicles were in the garage.

Loud voices filtered in from outside and he grinned. “They’re outside playing something. We can either join them or watch some television.”

“Oh, it’s been such a gut-wrenching day today. How about we join them and have some fun?”

He leaned down and kissed her lips. “That’s what I hoped you’d say.”

He pulled her to the door, and they exited through the garage and out onto the side yard where his friends were playing volleyball.

“Hey, there they are. Come join us.” Addy yelled.

Spencer pulled his t-shirt off so he matched the rest of the guys and she ran to the side where Addy, Lara, Shianne, and Maya were playing. Maya laughed, “We’re kicking their asses.”


“Really. They can’t move worth a shit. We’re limber and vicious. Don’t give them any breaks.” Maya snapped back.

“Vicious mode activated.” She mocked.

Their volleyball game got cut-throat but the entire time it was fun. They’d worked up a sweat and now they sat around a fire outside, having a drink and chatting. It felt good. The girls’ team won, though he still couldn’t figure out how they did that. The guys were much stronger and taller, but those little ladies kicked their asses.

Spencer stood. “I’m taking a shower.” He walked into the HOG, his heart feeling lighter than he felt this morning. His phone buzzed, and he looked at the text that came in from Piper at RAPTOR.

Opening the text, it read,

“I’m sorry it’s taking us a while. This person is pretty good at encryption. We’re still working on it. I just wanted you to know.”

He sent a text back,

“Thank you.”

And continued on to his room. He hadn’t gotten to Colt’s house last night to install a tracker. He’d have to see if time lent itself tomorrow. Maybe by then, they’d have more answers.

Warming the water, he pulled out clean underwear and sleep pants, then happily shrugged off his sweaty jeans and dropped them into the hamper.

Letting the warm water slide down his body, his mood lifted even further as soft, warm hands slid up his body. He looked into her eyes, which had darkened to emerald green, and her soft lips, which she licked and it made his cock hard.

“Is this make-up sex?”

“I suppose it is.”

“Good. I’ve heard make-up sex is the best.”

“Me too.”

He kissed her, nipping at her bottom lip as his hands roamed her body, slick with water and soft.