Page 68 of Saving Elena

Spencer replied, “Okay. We’re heading there now.” He shook his head, “I should have brought my truck. We could have blockaded the road.”

“We still can. We’ll use my truck. We can hide in the brush.”

He pulled his truck across the road. He and Spencer jumped out and ran across the road to crouch in the shadows and watch.

The revving of a nearby engine made him turn his head.

Spencer drew his weapon. “I’m shooting out their tires.”

The truck’s headlights came closer. Aidyn took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Here they were, the repercussions he expected when he’d planned to bring Elena down.

The truck screeched to a halt just before turning up the road.

Several rounds of gunfire came from the old truck and sparks flew as they hit his vehicle. Spencer took aim at the tires on the old Ford. The BRR turned in their direction and returned fire.

Aidyn jumped behind the building but got in a few shots. The BRR exited their vehicle from the opposite side. He could see the brush move, but nothing further. Shooting ceased and he slipped around the back of the building to find Spencer on the other side.

“Do you see anything?”

“No, but I don’t think they went up. I think they’re waiting us out. Two of them.”

Sirens approached. He pulled his phone out and called the police department. It rang once. “Glen Hollow Police Department.”

“It’s Aidyn Dunbar with GHOST. We have blocked the middle road and are engaged with the BRR. You have an officer approaching. Tell them extreme caution.”

He didn’t wait for confirmation before he hung up. There, he’d seen movement. He tapped Spencer’s shoulder and pointed. Spencer nodded. “Got it.”

Spencer took aim at their hiding spot while he scrambled from the shadows of the building to a few yards away where an old phone booth had been turned into a free library. Shots bounced off the pavement near him, but he dove behind the small structure. The squad car turned down a side street. He peered around his cover and a shot whizzed above his head. The glass shattered and rained down on him.

He scooted behind the library and took a few deep breaths.

He saw one of the Glen Hollow officers scramble behind a building down the side street. Spencer called out to him. “You good?”

“Yeah. You?”


“Officers approaching from the north.”


Roger. It made him think of Elena. He prayed no shady shit was going down at the house. Tate and Addy were there, and the HOG was reasonably secure.

The officer scrambled across to his side of the street. He watched the officer’s progress and hoped he or she wouldn’t mistake him for one of the BRR.

The officer crept along the side of the building toward him. A shot rang out but missed its target.

Spencer returned fire and he heard it hit. The groan and thud of someone falling was hard to mistake. That left one.

He peered around the opposite side of the little library from where Spencer hid; the brush moved in the direction of his truck.



Aidyn scrambled to Spencer's side.

Spencer pointed to the shaking brush. "They're together right now."