Page 59 of Saving Elena

She dropped down to her knees and Adelaide did the same next to her. Elena slowly reached for the brush on either side of her and pulled it slowly together, so it didn’t look like they’d made a nest. Adelaide did the same thing and they sat quietly. Except for her breathing. She couldn’t get a good lung full of air. She was afraid to adjust her position. The thrashing came closer to them and she squeezed her eyes closed. More thrashing in the brush and a deer stood near her. It was huffing out sounds, likely it could smell her but was afraid of Craig and whoever else was with him. She kept her head down and waited for them to pass and hoped like hell they wouldn’t trip on her and Adelaide.

Her heart beat so hard it almost hurt in her chest.

She could hear Craig now, he was a few yards above them. “Where the hell did they go? How many did you see?”

“I guess about three.”

Stupid Ramsay. That’s who that was. He was likely spying on her from across the center court. She should have guessed that was the case.

She sent up more prayers to let them escape this. Then she heard sickening thuds and punches and grunts and Aidyn’s labored breathing, and the tears spilled from her eyes.

She started to move, but Adelaide lay a hand on her shoulder and pushed her down. She opened her eyes to Adelaide’s and saw her shake her head. Adelaide fisted her left hand and lay it over her heart and mouthed, “Strong.”

She slowly inhaled a deep breath. Strong. She needed to stay strong. The punching stopped and Aidyn’s choppy breath said, “Get out now.”

Adelaide grabbed her clothing by the shoulder and lifted her and they took off running. Sort of. They went as fast as they could down the mountain toward the trucks. The good news was if Craig was on this side of the mountain, he wasn’t looking for her mom on the other side.

The brush thinned and they were able to move faster toward the bottom. Adelaide grabbed her hand, and they ran together to the bottom and across the road. Spencer was there, starting his truck. Tate was just running to his truck, but she didn’t see Aidyn. She turned to go back but Adelaide held her tightly and said, “Keep going.”

She sobbed but had no choice but to keep up with Adelaide. She was strong for a smaller woman.

As they ran across the road she pulled away and turned to see Aidyn’s head as he ran down the mountain. She sobbed as she watched him, her heart in her throat.

He reached the bottom of the mountain and yelled, “Get in the trucks.”

She opened the door of his truck and Adelaide all but pushed her inside, then jumped in the backseat.

Aidyn was the best sight she’d seen in a long time. He had blood on his face, but he was running. He jumped in his truck and started it up. Within a second he had it moving forward. “Everyone okay?”

One by one they replied, “Okay.”

He turned and looked at her. “Elena?”

She nodded as tears streamed down her face. Blood ran from his nose and she remembered the things he called tissues in the compartment in front of her. She pushed the button and pulled some tissues from inside and handed them over.

He grinned and took them as he turned onto the road that would take them around the mountain.


He swiped at the blood dripping from his nose and navigated the road. The sun was filling the sky and visibility was good. Good enough that he wanted to be out of sight by the time that fucker Craig came to.

Adelaide dug around in the first aid kit in the backseat. “How bad is it Aid?”

“It’s slowing down.”

He heard the package rip and she tapped him on the shoulder. “Here’s a plug.”

He shoved it into the nostril that was bleeding and navigated a corner.

Tate asked, “Everyone okay?”

Addy said, “Aidyn, Elena, and I are good.”

Spencer replied. “All good.”

Tate asked, “What happened back there, Aid?”

“Craig caught up to me. He had Ramsay with him. We had a scuffle. They’re lying up there.”