Page 53 of Saving Elena

“Is that true?”


“You love me?”

“Yes. I love you.”

She looked deeply into his eyes. “I love you too. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you last night.”

He leaned in and kissed her lips, careful not to hurt her face.

He pulled back slightly, “So, I spent the day talking to my teammates about you and your mom. I’ve told them all I love you and want to bring you down here. I called my parents and told them. And we’ve been trying to devise a plan to get you both safely down the mountain.”

She reached into her jacket pocket. “I took this today. This is fresh brew and not cut. I was going to give it to you to see if you could use it for anything. It’s powerful full strength. I usually use tea to cut it. It helps with breathing problems and some heart problems. But not my mom’s.”

She slid the small bottle onto the table and they all stared at it. “It will also make you high if not used properly, and it will give you stomach issues if you use too much.”

Lara nodded. “My mom was hooked on it.”

“Yes.” She locked eyes with Lara. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for anyone to get sick from it.”

Lara leaned across the table and stretched her hand across. Elena laid her hand in Lara’s and Lara smiled. “I know you didn’t, and I don’t hold you responsible. I hold my parents responsible for their actions.”

Tate stood. “I’ll call Addy. We need to go up tonight.”

Aidyn rubbed her back. “Elena, we’ll need you to lead us up there. Show us how you get around.”

“It’s risky. They are watching me now. It’s why I was late.”

“Can you find another way? Maybe on a different side of the mountain than the one you usually go?”

She swallowed and he stared into her eyes. She swallowed. “Yes. If you can drive us around the other side of the mountain, between here and Brookswood.”

“I can do that.”

“It will come up the south side of the mountain and where most of us don’t go. There’s a lot of brush and it’s steep.”

“We can manage it.”

He watched her breath deeply a few times. “Okay. We don’t have much time. The sun will be up in four hours.”

They stood and he took her hand. Tate and Lara stepped away from the table and he softly apologized. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you last night how I felt. I guess I wasn’t sure. Or it didn’t occur to me or something. As soon as I started to tell Spencer about you, I knew.”

Her lips turned up into a pretty smile. “It’s okay. I didn’t tell you, either. I was mad at myself all day that if I never got the chance to see you again, you’d never know that I loved you.”

He pulled her to his chest and held her close. “You’ll see me every day.”


Aidyn pulled his truck to a stop at the base of the mountain in the parking lot of a closed-down bar. She saw headlights behind them and resisted the urge to turn and watch Tate park near them. Adelaide and Spencer were back there as well. She’d met them all tonight and was still speechless that they would risk harm to help her and her mom.

She turned and stared at Aidyn’s profile. She loved him. She thanked God for bringing him into her life. Her heart fluttered thinking about him. Being with him. “Thank you.”

He grinned, then leaned in and kissed her. “You’re welcome. Thank you for coming into my life.”

She chuckled. “I was just thinking the same thing. I’ll remember to thank God for you every night.”

“I will too.”