Page 50 of Saving Elena

He stood when they entered, and he smiled and held his hand out to her.

“Do you remember Tate?” She laid her hand in Tate’s and he squeezed gently and bobbed her hand up and down.

“It’s nice to meet you, Elena.” Her cheeks burned under his scrutiny.

She whispered. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Tate’s eyes shifted to Aidyn’s, then he sat. Aidyn motioned to a chair behind her and she sat. He took the chair next to her.

Tate pulled some paper from a machine behind his desk then said, “Why don’t we go into the dining room where it’ll be comfortable.”

Aidyn stood. “That’s a great idea.”

He took her hand, and they strode through the big rooms again and her mind reeled at how they lived. It was amazing and it made her feel insignificant and less than. She’d never had a place like this.

They stopped at the huge table and Tate dropped the papers at the end, then turned toward the kitchen and stepped away.

Aidyn pulled the chair nearest Tate out and smiled at her. “Sit here, Elena. Tate will want to see the maps with you.”

“Where will you be?”

Her heart began racing and she swallowed a lump in her throat.

“I’ll be right here.” He patted the chair next to hers.

She sat stiffly in the chair, her hands in her lap.

Tate came back with a plate of cookies and cups of coffee. He left then came back with little packets in a bowl. “I don’t know if you like cream or sugar, both are here.”

He sat and she stared at the bowl with the little square packets. She turned her head and caught Aidyn’s gaze. He grinned at her then kissed her temple.

He picked up a white packet. “This is creamer.” He pointed to the word creamer and she smiled. He pulled another packet that was tan in color. “This is sugar.”

She nodded but made no move to do anything because she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Aidyn ripped open a packet of creamer and she immediately remembered him opening a condom last night and her cheeks heated. She felt her neck warm too.

Aidyn poured the powder into his cup, and she furrowed her brows. “I thought that was cream.”

“Creamer, hon. It’s powdered cream. Cow’s cream.”

She nodded. “Okay.” She fidgeted.

Aidyn touched her shoulder. “Do you have coffee up there?”

She shook her head. “I only have tea and water.”

Tate stood, “I think we have tea here.”

“No.” She stopped because that came out louder than she intended. “It’s okay. I’ll try coffee.”

Tate sat again and she picked up her cup. She inhaled the aroma. She didn’t have anything to compare it to, but it smelled good, and she closed her eyes.

She sipped gently at the hot liquid and scrunched her face. “That’s bitter.”

Aidyn and Tate laughed. “It can be.”

Aidyn handed her a packet of the creamer. “That’s why I use this.”

She tore the packet open and poured the contents into her coffee and watched as it disappeared. Her coffee turned a pretty tan color and she grinned. She picked up her coffee again and sipped.