Page 40 of Saving Elena

“And our numbers are dwindling.”

“Why don’t you have children then? It hasn’t gone unnoticed that you and Hanalore haven’t produced a single child.”

His face contorted into something unrecognizable, but she didn’t shrink back. She’d rather kill herself than ever allow one of his pigs to hump on her.

Craig raised his hand and smacked her hard across the face.

“You will regret saying that to me.”

Her mom stood. “Craig! That is uncalled for.”

He stuck his finger in her mom’s face. “You shut up.”

He turned and stormed out of the cabin, and she hurried to lock the door behind him.

Her heartbeat was erratic. She realized she shouldn’t have said anything to him, but she wouldn’t obey him in this.

She looked up at her mom and saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Elena. This is not good.”


Aidyn entered the kitchen to a rowdy conversation about the name of their place. He chuckled as Addy said, “Come on you guys. We need to name this place. Get serious about this.”

Spencer shrugged. “How about Needle Point, or Mending Box.”

“Those aren’t bad.”

Maya poured herself a cup of coffee. “What about Zipped Tight?”

“That’s okay.” Addy wrote the names down.

Lara pulled cookies from the oven. “I’ve come up with The Stitchery, Button Down, and Sown Home.”

“I’ll write those down.”

She pushed the list to the center of the counter, and they leaned over and read the names. Aidyn turned to pour himself a cup of coffee and gather his thoughts. He slept on and off last night. Actually, it was early this morning. He kept thinking about Elena. He wanted to spend more time with her, and this sneaking around rankled him. He wanted to take her out to eat. Show her all the things she had no idea existed out in the real world. And not have to have her sneak down the mountain like a criminal.

Addy called out. “Aidyn, you’re the only one who hasn’t come up with a single name.”

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “What about The HOG? Home, Office, and Garage. It’s exactly what it is.”

Henry chuckled and Spencer punched him in the shoulder. “That’s perfect, man.”

Lara giggled. “That is cool.”

Tate entered the room. “Hey, you okay?”

Aidyn nodded. “Yeah.”

Addy circled The HOG on her sheet of paper. “I like this one a lot. Let’s see if it sticks.”

He glanced at Spencer. “You have a minute?”


Aidyn strode to the door that led to the backyard and Spencer followed. He swallowed to wet his throat and he took in deep gulps of air to settle his nerves.

He sat on the top of the picnic table so he could look up the mountain. Spencer sat next to him and sipped his coffee.