Page 38 of Saving Elena

His body spasmed and jerked as he continued to hold her. As he softened and pulled away from her sweet body, he wrapped both arms around her and pulled her tightly to his body. Her head fell back to his shoulder and she wrapped her arms around his.

They stood that way for a while, the water still showering down on them.

He turned her in his arms and his lips found hers. He kissed her with everything he had in him. He wanted to convey feelings he couldn’t explain. He wanted to feel her feelings for him.

Elena whispered, “I like shower sex too.”


Aidyn stopped in the parking lot across the street from their tree and her heart felt heavy.

“I’ll try and come down tonight.”

“Okay. Please be careful.”

She tried to smile, but to be honest, she was nervous about getting back to the cabin and how she moved forward from here. The thought of going back up there made her skin crawl. But she didn’t know what else to do.

She nodded and opened the door of his truck. She jumped down and looked at him before closing the door.

“Elena?” he said before it closed.


“Do you have a way to let me know if you need help?”

She slowly shook her head.

“Tonight, I’ll bring you a way to contact me.”


She scurried across the road, grateful for the cover of darkness. She laid her hand across her roiling tummy and told herself to be strong and not let on she’d been down here.

She disappeared into the woods, picked up the basket she left hidden in the patch of spicebush that was shooting up. It wouldn’t bloom for a month or so, but for now it allowed a bit of cover. She picked some of the rosemary and fennel that were blooming close by and filled her basket. The aroma coming from the fresh picked herbs comforted her hurting heart as the familiar washed over her.

She wove quietly through the woods until she came to the path that led to her cabin. Stopping to listen for anyone moving about, she stepped onto the path and effortlessly made her way home. Peering around the side of the cabin, she took a deep breath and stepped to the door. Voices growing closer caught her attention. Instead of listening, she slipped inside and locked the door.

The fire had all but died out, only a few embers left, so she added wood and gently blew on the embers hoping something would catch. She had a sack of dried brush near the fireplace and reached for it when she heard her mom roll over in bed. She froze and waited for her to settle, then changed her mind about making any noise and softly blew on the embers again. Grateful when the wood caught, she sat in silence watching the flames grow and thought of Aidyn.

Her heart flittered around when she thought of him. Her mind danced a jubilee when she remembered how he felt when they made love. He may not have made love, but she did. She loved him. He was a good person. He cared about her. That she was pleasured. That she was warm. That she was safe. He was everything these dogs up here weren’t. She wanted that life. With him.

She slid her feet so her knees rose, then crossed her arms over her knees and laid her head on her arms. Her eyes watched the flames for a long time.


She lifted her head and blinked. The flames had settled in the fireplace.


She turned her head to see her mom’s worried face staring at her.

“Yes, Mama.”

Her mom shuffled to a chair at the table near her and sat. “Elena. Why are you sleeping on the floor?”

She stretched, her muscles sore. She stood, added another log to the fire then sat at the table. “The fire was pretty and I sat to watch it and fell asleep I guess.”

“Honey, you’re working too hard and then going out at night. You’ve got to take care of yourself so you don’t get sick.”