Page 33 of Saving Elena

Elena stood in front of the open refrigerator door and stared inside.

He moved to the stove. “This is the stove and oven.”

Then moved to the counter. “This is the sink.” He turned on the faucet and she slowly approached. She put her hand under the stream of water and giggled. His heart fluttered and his excitement grew. He wanted to show her everything.

He took her hand and moved into the dining room and through to the living room. He turned on the television and she gasped as her hands flew to her mouth.

“This is television. The people are actors and actresses. They act out stories for us to watch. Unless we’re watching the news; those people just tell us what’s going on in the world.”

Her head slowly turned to him. “The whole world?”

“The whole world.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “This is a minicomputer, I guess. I know Kent has one or one similar to it. Have you ever seen it?”

She shook her head. “He told me there’s a thing called a shower.”

A grin spread across his face. “I can show you one.”

Taking her hand in his, he pulled her to the bathroom and turned on the light. “This is a shower.”

He turned on the water, then pulled up the lever to start the spray and she giggled. “Oh wow.”

She eased forward and put her hand under the stream of water and giggled again.

He stepped aside and turned the water in the sink on.

“Why do you have two waterspouts?”

“We call them faucets. This one is if you are washing your hands after you use the toilet.”


He pulled the door closed and exposed the toilet hiding behind it. “This is where we go to the bathroom.”


He pushed the handle down to flush the water and she jumped. “Cleans the bowl after.”

She leaned down and watched the water swirl then disappear. The look on her face when she stood was adorable.


He grinned at her innocence and wonder of it all. He’d grown up with all of this and it seemed like nothing. To her? It was a wonder.

“I want to know about you Elena. What do you use to shower? How do you get water to your house? What does your everyday look like?”


She looked into his eyes and didn’t see mocking or insult.

“I carry water from the stream.”

He took her hand and walked her into the living room. They sat on a comfortable bench-type thing he called a sofa. They turned toward each other and talked. It seemed like hours. He asked about her life. About her mom. About her mom’s illness. He touched her all the time. His fingers, while work-roughened and strong, were gentle when he brushed her cheeks.

His hands held hers. And they kissed. Often. She wanted more.

He looked into her eyes, “What time do you have to be back?”

“Before dawn.”