Page 29 of Saving Elena

“I don’t want to, Mama. But I sure don’t want to marry one of these dogs up here. And I sure as hell don’t want to have their brats. They’re all like wild rutting animals up here and I won’t have it. Craig encourages it to keep the population up.”

Tears fell on her mom’s cheeks. She whispered, “Aidyn will help us.”

Her mom shook her head. “No.” She choked back a sob. “Don’t do it. It’ll cause trouble. A war. They’ll hunt him. They’ll hunt you both down.”

“I’m not leaving up here without you, but I’ll not be tied to one of these animals either.”

Her mom’s hands shook as she tried straightening her blankets.

“I can’t leave here. I’ll only hold you back.”

“We’ll figure it out. I’m not leaving you up here, and I believe we’re safe until the brewing’s done. So, I have a couple of weeks to figure it out. In the meantime, you say nothing. And, just in case Theresa is spying for Craig, you don’t let on anything to her. Okay?”

Her mom sniffled and nodded.

“Say it, Mama.”

“I won’t say anything.”

Her mom laid back down and pulled the covers to her chin.


“Yes, Mama.”

“I’ll just say this.” She took a deep breath. “Whatever you decide to do, I support you. But I do urge you to use caution, set up a plan for the future. When I’m gone, you’ll be alone.”

She swallowed and nodded. “Okay.”

Elena stood and put two more logs in the fireplace. She pulled her new gloves from the pocket of her jacket and looked at them.

They were leather but had fur on the inside. The mitten top was lined with fur and it was so soft.

She turned them over in her hand so she could see them in the light of the fireplace. A tear fell on them and she swiped it off quickly so it wouldn’t stain.

Brushing the tears from her cheeks, she tried thinking what it would be like up here with one of these men rutting away on top of her and she wanted to throw up. Emotionless and nasty just like with Davey. She never wanted to have to go through anything like that ever again.


Aidyn parked at the construction site and took a deep breath. He hoped Elena would be able to break away tonight. But first and foremost, she had to be safe.

As he neared the construction office a loud whistle caught his attention. A flare lit the sky, and he dove behind his truck the instant he realized what was happening.

The explosion rocked the ground around him. Spencer ran out of the construction trailer and he called over to him.

“Spencer! Get down.”

Spencer turned toward him and dove behind the truck with Aidyn.

“What the fuck?”

“They’re launching explosives.”



The whistle of another incoming explosive rent the air and they both ducked their heads as the projectile landed.