Page 12 of Saving Elena

Tate crept forward toward the movement, his gun pointed at the last spot they’d seen motion. Aidyn covered him from this side and watched for movement from above.

He saw something move a few feet above Tate’s head and whistled.

Tate looked up to where Aidyn pointed and aimed his gun up just in case.

Aidyn took deep breaths to control his breathing, the adrenaline was making it difficult at the moment.

All movement stopped and they waited for a few minutes before deciding it was an animal. Tate scooted back to the gap between the containers on his end, but Aidyn watched for a while longer.

He stepped back between the two containers when the movement started again. He froze and peered around once more seeing the hind end of a man running across the road and diving into the large brush and trees on the other side.

He stepped back and motioned to Tate, who jogged to him.

“There was someone out there. I just saw his ass run across the road and disappear into the woods.”

“Shit. I’ll go grab the sensor and see if it detects explosives. Don’t go close until we check it.”


His heartbeat increased and he felt sweat gather at the middle of his back even though it was only forty-two degrees tonight. He swallowed to wet his throat and inhaled deep breaths to calm himself. He’d made it through two tours in Afghanistan without getting blown up. He’d like that streak to continue.

Tate’s footsteps crunched on the gravel behind him. “Okay, let’s see what we can find.”

He flipped the switch on their explosive detector and the lights flashed as it came to life. Finally all turning green, Tate laid it on the ground and pushed it lightly toward the area they’d first saw movement. The little wheels on the detector bumped over the uneven terrain but one of the lights began blinking red.



Aidyn blew out a breath. “I’ve never dismantled an explosive.”

Tate shook his head, “Me either.”

“We may need to ask Myles to come down while these assholes are using explosives.”

“I think you’re right about that.”

Aidyn huffed out a breath. “I’ll go grab those bolsters we have in the end container. We’ll toss those on top of the explosive for tonight and if it blows, we’ll have deadened it somewhat.”

“Good idea.”

Aidyn strode to the end container and pulled it open. Grabbing the end of one of the bolsters, he heaved it up over his shoulder and began dragging it to Tate’s location. His heart rate increased from the exertion, these bolsters weighed about a hundred pounds each and were eight feet long. They were a bitch to move around.

Together he and Tate muscled one to the edge of the grounds then each of them grabbed an end and swung it hammock style and let it fly to land over the explosive. As soon as they’d released their end, they both ran for cover as the explosion sounded and the earth shook.


Ablast shook the entire mountain. At least that’s what it felt like. Elena sat bolt upright in bed and listened as voices grew outside.

“Mama, stay inside. I’ll go see what happened.”

“Elena, maybe you should stay in here.”

She tossed her covers back and stood. “I won’t be long. Stay here.”

Scrambling to pull her socks on and dress quickly, her brain started working again and dread filled her belly.

She grabbed her jacket from the hook and slipped her arms into the sleeves. She threw another log on the fire, then slipped outside.