Page 55 of Saving Elena

“Come quickly,” she whispered.

Aidyn, Adelaide, Spencer, and Tate hustled along the edge of the cabin and she held the door for them to enter.

Once inside, she felt ridiculous as they filled the space entirely and she barely had room to move past them.

“Maybe if three of you sat at the table, there’d be more room.”

Aidyn, Tate, and Spencer pulled chairs out quietly and she motioned for Adelaide to come to the back with her.

She held her finger to her lips when her mom sat up.

“Don’t talk, Mama.”

She sat at the edge of her mom’s bed and gathered their hands together. “This is Adelaide. She’s a medic with Aidyn and his team. She wants to examine you and see if she can tell what’s wrong with you. Please let her examine you.”

“Elena, we’ll get in so much trouble if anyone finds out.”

“Then be quiet and let Adelaide examine you so they can leave.”

She squeezed her mom’s hands to reassure her, then moved over to sit on the edge of her bed as Adelaide moved next to her mom.

She listened to Adelaide’s soft voice and intelligent questions, and she felt so much relief that someone with some education about medicine would be helping to figure out what was wrong with her mom.

Aidyn was watching her and she felt nervous. Most of that nervousness was the danger they were in just being here, but after seeing where and how they all lived, she didn’t compare. She couldn’t compare. What did he see in her anyway? She was simple compared to them.

She realized though that they were likely thirsty after climbing up the mountain and she should be a better hostess. She neared the table where they sat quietly. “May I get you a cup of water?”

Aidyn smiled at her but shook his head. “I’m alright. Thank you.”

Spencer and Tate both shook their heads and she was now filled with doubt. What should she be doing? The fire had died down, so she skirted around the table and added a couple logs to the fire, poked it with the poker to settle the logs on the hot coals then stood and brushed her hands together. When she turned, they were all watching her and her face burned.

Aidyn motioned with his hand for her to come closer. Swallowing she obeyed.

“How often do you have to stoke the fire?”

“Every few hours. This time of year. The cabin is pretty cozy so it stays warm enough.”

“It’s very nice. Did you build it?”

She chuckled. “No, my daddy built it. I carried the stones for the fireplace though. That was my job. At the time I was only about twelve. He died the following year. It’s just Mama and me now.”

Aidyn’s lips turned down slightly. “I’m sorry for the loss of your father.”

She smiled thinking of her dad. “He was bigger than life. I thought he was the best builder and hunter around. He took such good care of Mama and me. Back then, Mama was the brewer up here.”

“I can tell he built this cabin with love.”

She cocked her head. “How so?”

Aidyn pointed to the mantle, a peeled half log. Her father had carved little scroll details on it. “He carved on the mantle. Precise and detailed. There are hooks at both ends for you to hang items and every stone is neatly placed. Even Everett didn’t have that detail in his cabin.”

She stared at him for a long time. He noticed little things.

Adelaide ambled to the table. “She’s fine. I don’t think it’s her heart at all. Her heartbeat is strong and steady. I think it’s hypothyroidism. Once she’s on medication, she’ll feel so much better.”

Elena’s hand flew to her mouth and she sucked in air. “Really?”

Adelaide smiled the most beautiful smile. “Really. I’m going to tell my mom what I found, but I’d bet she’ll agree with me. Once we get Grace down the mountain, we’ll have her see the doctor and confirm the diagnosis.”