Page 54 of Saving Elena

He opened a small box. “Put this in your ear.” He turned his head and pointed to his ear. “Like this.”

She put the small bud into her ear. He then pulled a small black object from the box and pushed something on it. A green light flickered then turned off. “Clip this on your clothing where it’s out of sight. It’s the receiver to allow the earpiece to work.”

He clicked his black box on. “So you can hear all of us in your ear.”

She jumped when he spoke to her. She could hear him in her ear. As in, from the little thing in her ear.

“Tate on.”

She jumped again. He chuckled. “We’ll all have these on. We can hear each other. But, we only talk when something needs to be said. No chatting. Others close by may be able to hear us.”


He kissed her lips, then held his finger to his lips and winked. She smiled and that wink made butterflies soar in her belly.

He left the truck and walked around to her door and opened it. He lifted her and set her feet gently on the ground. Tate and Adelaide joined them. Spencer came up behind them.

Aidyn softly spoke. “Elena, we’ll be behind you since you know the way. If you hear something or someone just whisper, ‘stop.’”


He looked at his teammates, “Mic checks.”

Tate started. “Tate on.”

“Adelaide on.”

“Spencer on.”

“Aidyn on.”

She looked into his eyes and he nodded. “Oh, Elena on.”

They nodded and Aidyn turned her toward the mountain. “Right behind you.”

She swallowed and neared the base of the mountain. They seldom used this side of the mountain, though just recently a couple of the guys had been coming down and making deals with people for the elixir. Hopefully they weren’t out and about this late at night. Or, actually, early in the morning.

She moved into the brush, slowly moving forward, feeling her way with the toe of her shoes for rocks or downed branches. They moved quietly, though Aidyn and his teammates made more noise than she did. That was something she could do that they couldn’t. Her confidence grew a bit and she focused on her task.

The real trick would be getting them into the cabin without being seen. But she had an idea for that.

The terrain grew steeper, and her breathing labored slightly. She could hear Aidyn’s breathing as they climbed, which was a comfort.

They landed on a plateau, and she stopped to rest, allowing the others to do the same. “It’s one more mile up.”

They nodded as they let their breathing settle. When she recognized their even breathing, she started up again. She found a used path, likely from the guys who were trading in Brookswood, and she used it to help the others climb.

She listened carefully, turning her head back and forth. Even the animals slept at this time of day.

Finally nearing their homestead on the mountain, she slowed and turned to them and whispered, “I need to move ahead alone in case Craig has someone watching. When I know it’s clear I’ll let you know. You’ll need to follow my path.”

Aidyn nodded. “Roger.”

She stopped and furrowed her brows. “We don’t have a Roger.”

“Sorry. I mean alright.”

Nodding, she crept slowly along the path to the very edge of their camp. She peered around the back of her cabin, and the shrubs alongside of it. The woodpile was at the back, so she picked up an armful of wood, should anyone see her and question her. She crept quietly along the side of the cabin and opened the door.