“Not at all. I’ve got some at home too. I’ll do it all together.”
“Thank you. And the meals you made yesterday were delicious. Thank you. I never could make a biscuit.”
Theresa smiled. “Mama insisted I learn.”
Theresa strode from the brewing area, which was set aside from the main courtyard. She watched Theresa turn toward her cabin and made a mental note just where she was out of sight. Craig watched her for a while, then turned and stomped over to the main meeting hall they’d constructed a couple of years ago. Most of his work was conducted there. His wife, Hanalore, was seldom seen out of the cabin. The rumor that ran hot around the mountain was she hadn’t managed to get pregnant, and she was embarrassed. With all of Craig’s blustering on about having kids and keeping their population thriving, he and Hanalore hadn’t managed that for themselves.
Elena took a deep breath and listened as the liquid in the still began to boil. This was the part that took a bit of precision. She’d have to manage the boil so it didn’t boil too hot and evaporate all the liquid too fast. She needed it to boil steadily for the condensation and vapors to rise through the tubing of the still so she could collect it.
This was the part that was hard to teach. It took patience and few of them up here had that. There were days she didn’t have it. Today was one of those days.
She thought about Aidyn and how she’d manage to get down there tonight. Her current plan was to take a bucket with her to collect good soil. Usually this time of year, she replanted the seeds she’d collected from the various plants or replanted those she’d propagated. This kept their supply healthy and it got her away from camp.
Yes, that’s how she’d do it tonight.
The fire needed to slow, so she took a shovel from the edge of her brew shelter and dispersed the logs to slow it down.
She stood and saw Craig watching once again. She smiled weakly and continued to work the fire. Then she heard his boots crunching on the ground as he neared and her stomach twisted.
“Maybe you need an apprentice, Elena. Someone to help you. This is hard work.”
“It’s good work though and I enjoy it.”
“Why is it you haven’t married and had kids, Elena?”
She froze for a moment, then continued shoveling the hot wood and coals to the fireplace in the corner.
“I’ve never had an interest in anyone up here I guess.”
“I can help you with that. Some of the young ones are coming to an age where they need to settle down.”
“You must have other things to do that are more important than playing matchmaker.”
She tried chuckling but it sat heavy in her throat and her stomach threatened to revolt.
“There’s nothing more important than keeping our numbers up, Elena. I’ve stressed this for years.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to smile once again.
“Yes, you have.”
Luckily at that moment, the vapors began turning to enough liquid to drip into the glass jug under the spout and she busied herself with that.
Grateful when Craig walked away, she sucked in some deep breaths and stretched her shoulders to calm herself.
After the first batch of brew was distilled, Elena began the second batch of the day. Repeating all she’d done and keeping herself busy so no one would talk to her.
As night fell, she sat in her brewing area, near the fire and watched as the last few drops of liquid dripped into her glass jar. Once it finished, she pushed a cork firmly into the end of the jar, dispersed the fire and carried the jar to her cabin for safe keeping.
After entering the cabin, the only light the glow from the fire, her mom sleeping in the back, Elena tucked the jar into a chest and locked it. Then slipped out of the cabin and around the back. She had a wooden bucket she used to collect soil, but her destination was the base.
Slipping quietly down the mountain, she warmed her hands in her pockets here and there. She’d felt embarrassed last night when Aidyn touched her hand, and it was cold. His was warm and strong and powerful.
She crossed the road near the base and watched for Aidyn. Then she heard a sound. “Psst.”
She turned toward the sound and saw him crouched in the brush. She neared him and the second they were close enough, he kissed her. They remained crouched down, the brush higher than their heads in this section, but his lips touched hers and his hands held her head.