Page 46 of Code Name: Cayman

Had Cayman not told me he loved me a few minutes ago, I would’ve argued that point with her. Yes, I’d always known helovedme. I loved him too, but until today, it had been as a friend, almost like a brother. The kiss had changed everything. Or maybe it hadn’t changed anything at all. Maybe it had forced both of us to admit we loved each other as a man and a woman.

“I can’t imagine my life without Cayman in it.”

“Nor can he imagine his life without you.” She looked off in the distance. “I don’t know him well, but Poseidon does. He once told me Cayman was the most laid-back, easygoing agent he’s ever served with. He said he remained steadfastly unflappable at both Sandhurst and Monckton.”

“He was that way even as a child. Cayman is a rock.”

“He wasn’t in Gozo. In fact, his behavior stunned everyone. Particularly those who’d known or worked with him for years.”

“How so?”

“I’m not sure how to describe it other than to say he was angry. Not that the word suffices.”

“I’ve rarely seen him angry, but I did earlier.”

“Passion is the fuel behind it, Bexli. He would do anything for you, to rescue you, then to keep you safe.”

“Therein lies my worry. A man who has been so ‘laid-back’ as you said, being so determined to avenge what Moretti did to me. It’s dangerous. Too dangerous.”

Her eyebrows raised, and she didn’t speak right away. “Do not underestimate him. While he appears easygoing, it’s his steely control we see. He’s thoughtful, measured, and pragmatic. He’s also lethal.”

“It’s difficult to think of him that way. The Cayman I know wouldn’t hurt an insect.”

“He single-handedly took out three of Moretti’s men.”

“What?”I gasped. “When?”

“They were searching for you on the beach.”

“When did he arrive on Gozo?”

“Based on the overheads, an hour or less after you escaped.”


“Satellite images. Unfortunately, there was an interruption, so we weren’t able to view the footage of your escape until hours later.”

I recalled some of the things Cayman told me earlier. Statements he made and questions he’d asked made more sense now than they did when we were still in Malta.

“He came for me,” I said under my breath.

Kima nodded. “He did. If you hadn’t escaped on your own, we would have rescued you along with the other women.”

“How many other women?”


My eyes widened. “Are you certain it was nineteen?”


“Which means either she didn’t die or there were more of us there than I thought.”

“One woman we found had been severely beaten. The medics transported her to a hospital for treatment. And, so you’re aware, they remained at the hospital in case anyone tried to come for her. They will stay there for as long as they believe it’s necessary to do so.”

“What about the others?”

“A reunification team is helping get them home.”